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Golang wrapper for FLINT2 functions that I find useful.

This project is heavily influenced by and in the same pattern as Golang's GMP wrapper, which seemed appropriate since FLINT uses a similar API to GMP.



  • (z *Fmpz) Set(x *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the Fmpz x and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) SetUint64(x uint64) *Fmpz Sets Fpmz z to ulong x and returns z
  • (z *Fmpz) SetInt64(x int64) *Fmpz Sets Fpmz z to slong x and returns z
  • (z *Mpz) SetMpzInt64(x int64) *Mpz Sets Mpz z to slong x and returns z
  • NewFmpz(x int64) *Fmpz allocates a new Fpmz and sets it to x
  • NewMpz(x int64) *Mpz allocates a new GMP Mpz and sets it to x
  • NewFmpq(p, q int64) *Fmpq allocates and returns a new Fmpq set to p / q
  • (q *Fmpq) SetFmpqFraction(num, den *Fmpz) *Fmpq sets the value of q to the fraction num / den and returns q.


  • (z *Fmpz) Cmp(y *Fmpz) (r int) Compares z to y and returns -1, 0, or 1
  • (z *Mpz) Cmp(y *Mpz) (r int) Compares z to y and returns -1, 0, or 1 where z is an Mpz type.
  • (z *Fmpq) CmpRational(y *Fmpq) (r int) Compares rational z to y and returns -1, 0, or 1


  • (z *Fmpz) String() string Returns a base 10 string representaiton of z
  • (q *Fmpq) String() string Returns a base 10 string representation of rational q


  • (z *Fmpz) BitLen() int Returns the length of z in bits
  • (z *Fmpz) Bits() int Returns the number of bits required to store z
  • (z *Fmpz) TstBit(i int) int Returns the value of the bit stored at index i where 0 is the least significant bit.
  • (z *Fmpz) Sign() (r int) Returns the sign of z returns -1, 0, or 1

Primality Testing and Factorization

  • (z *Fmpz) IsStrongProbabPrime(a *Fmpz) returns 1 if z is a strong probable prime to base a, otherwise it returns 0
  • (z *Fmpz) IsProbabPrimeLucas() int performs a Lucas probable prime test returns 1 if z is a Lucas probable prime, otherwise return 0
  • (z *Fmpz) IsProbabPrimeBPSW() int performs a Baillie-PSW probable prime test returns 1 if z is a probable prime, otherwise return 0
  • (z *Fmpz) IsProbabPrime() int returns 1 if z is a probable prime, otherwise return 0
  • (z *Fmpz) WilliamsPP1(n *Fmpz, b1, b2, c int) int WilliamsPP1 uses Use Williams' p+1 method to factor n, using a prime bound in stage 1 of B1 and a prime limit in stage 2 of at least the square of B2_sqrt. If a factor is found, the function returns 1 and factor is set to the factor that is found. Otherwise, the function returns 0. c should be a random value greater than 2.

Random Number Generation

  • (z *Fmpz) Randm(state *FlintRandT, m *Fmpz) *Fmpz Sets z to a random number between 0 and m-1 inclusive


  • (f *Fmpz) GetInt() int Lowers f to type int
  • (f *Fmpz) GetUInt() uint Lowers f to type uint
  • (z *Fmpz) Int64() (y int64) Lowers z to type int64
  • (z *Fmpz) Uint64() (y uint64) Lower z to type uint64
  • (q *Fmpq) GetFmpqFraction() (int, int) gets the numerator and denomenator of the rational q returning them as ints.
  • (z *Fmpz) SetString(s string, base int) (*Fmpz, bool) Sets z to the value in string s using given base
  • (z *Fmpz) SetMpz(x *Mpz) Set z to the value in Mpz x
  • (z *Mpz) GetMpz(x *Fmpz) Set Mpz z to the value of the Fmpz x
  • (z *Fmpz) SetBytes(buf []byte) *Fmpz Set z to the value stored in byte array buf and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) Bytes() []byte Return the bytes of Fmpz z


  • (z *Fmpz) Abs(x *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the absolute value of x and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) Neg(x *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the negated value of x and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) Add(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to x + y and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) AddZ(x *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to z + x and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) AddI(i int) *Fmpz Set z to z + i where i is an int type and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) Sub(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to x - y and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) SubZ(x *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to z - x and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) SubI(i int) *Fmpz Set z to z - i where i is an int type and return z
  • (z *Mpz) SubRMpz(y, n *Mpz) Sets z to z - y in the ring of integers modulo n using Mpz types.
  • (z *Fmpz) Mul(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to x * y and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) MulZ(x *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to z * x and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) MulI(i int) *Fmpz Set z to z * i where i is an int type and return z
  • (z *Mpz) MulRMpz(y, n *Mpz) *Mpz Sets z to z * y in the integer ring modulo n using Mpz types.
  • (q *Fmpq) MulRational(o *Fmpq, x *Fmpz) *Fmpq Sets q to the product of rational o and Fmpz x and returns q.
  • (z *Fmpz) DivR(y, n *Fmpz) *Fmpz Sets z to the result of z/y in the ring of integers modulo n. Only works if y fits into the int type
  • (z *Fmpz) Div(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to x / y and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) Quo(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz
  • (z *Fmpz) QuoRem(x, y, r *Fmpz) (*Fmpz, *Fmpz)
  • (z *Fmpz) Mod(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of x % y and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) ModZ(y *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of z % y and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) ModRational(x *Fmpq, n *Fmpz) int Sets z to the residue of x = n/d (num, den) modulo n and returns 1 if such a modulo exists or 0 if it does not
  • (z *Fmpz) DivMod(x, y, m *Fmpz) (*Fmpz, *Fmpz)
  • (z *Fmpz) ModInverse(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz
  • (z *Fmpz) NegMod(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz
  • (a *Fmpz) Jacobi(p *Fmpz) int
  • (z *Fmpz) Exp(x, y, m *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of (x^y)%m and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) ExpZ(x *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of (z^x) and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) ExpI(x int) *Fmpz Set z to the value of (z^i) where i is an int type and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) ExpXY(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of (x^y) and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) ExpXI(x *Fmpz, y int) *Fmpz Set z to the value of (x^y) where y is an int type and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) ExpXIM(x *Fmpz, i int, m *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of (x^y)%m where y is an int type and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) Pow(x, y, m *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of (x^y)%m and return z
  • (f *Fmpz) GCD(g, h *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of the greatest common divisor of g and h and return z
  • (f *Fmpz) Lcm(g, h *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of the lowest common multiple of g and h and return z
  • (f *Fmpz) GCDInv(g *Fmpz) (*Fmpz, *Fmpz)
  • (z *Fmpz) And(x, y *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of x & y and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) Sqrt(x *Fmpz) *Fmpz Set z to the value of the square root of x and return z
  • (z *Fmpz) Root(x *Fmpz, y int32) *Fmpz Set z to the value of then yth root of x and return z


  • NewFmpzMat(rows, cols int) *FmpzMat Creates and allocates a new FmpzMat matrix type of size rows * cols.
  • (m *FmpzMat) String() string Returns a pretty printed string version of the matrix as a string.
  • (m *FmpzMat) Zero() *FmpzMat Sets all of the values of the matrix to zero and returns the matrix.
  • (m *FmpzMat) One() *FmpzMat Sets the diagonal values of the matrix to 1 and returns the matrix.
  • (m *FmpzMat) NumRows() int Returns the number of rows in the matrix as an integer.
  • (m *FmpzMat) NumCols() int Returns the number of columns in the matrix.
  • (m *FmpzMat) Entry(x, y int) *Fmpz Returns the value at coordinates x, y in the matrix m.
  • (m *FmpzMat) SetPosVal(val *Fmpz, pos int) *FmpzMat Sets the value at offset pos in the matrix m and returns m.
  • (m *FmpzMat) SetVal(val *Fmpz, x, y int) *FmpzMat Sets the value at coordinates x,y in the matrix and returns m.

Univariate Polynomials over the integers.

  • NewFmpzPoly() *FmpzPoly NewFmpzPoly allocates a new FmpzPoly and returns it.
  • NewFmpzPoly2(a int) *FmpzPoly NewFmpzPoly2 allocates a new FmpzPoly with at least a coefficients and returns it.
  • FmpzPolySetString(poly string) (*FmpzPoly, error) FmpzPolySetString returns a polynomial using the string representation as the definition.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) Set(poly *FmpzPoly) *FmpzPoly Set sets z to poly and returns z
  • (z *FmpzPoly) String() string String returns a string representation of the polynomial.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) StringSimple() string StringSimple returns a simple string representation of the polynomials length and coefficients.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) Zero() *FmpzPoly Zero sets z to the zero polynomial and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) FitLength(l int) FitLength sets the number of coefficiets in z to l.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) SetCoeff(c int, x *Fmpz) *FmpzPoly SetCoeff sets the c'th coefficient of z to x where x is an Fmpz and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) SetCoeffUI(c int, x uint) *FmpzPoly SetCoeffUI sets the c'th coefficient of z to x where x is an uint and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) GetCoeff(c int) *Fmpz GetCoeff gets the c'th coefficient of z and returns an Fmpz.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) GetCoeffs() []*Fmpz GetCoeffs gets all of the coefficient of z and returns a slice of Fmpz.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) Len() int Len returns the length of the poly z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) Neg(p *FmpzPoly) *FmpzPoly Neg sets z to the negative of p and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) GCD(a, b *FmpzPoly) *FmpzPoly GCD sets z = gcd(a, b) and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) Equal(p *FmpzPoly) bool Equal returns true if z is equal to p otherwise false.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) Add(a, b *FmpzPoly) *FmpzPoly Add sets z = a + b and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) Sub(a, b *FmpzPoly) *FmpzPoly Sub sets z = a - b and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) Mul(a, b *FmpzPoly) *FmpzPoly Mul sets z = a * b and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) MulScalar(a *FmpzPoly, x *Fmpz) *FmpzPoly MulScalar sets z = a * x where x is an Fmpz.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) DivScalar(a *FmpzPoly, x *Fmpz) *FmpzPoly DivScalar sets z = a / x where x is an Fmpz. Rounding coefficients down toward -infinity.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) Pow(m *FmpzPoly, e int) *FmpzPoly Pow sets z to m^e and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzPoly) DivRem(m *FmpzPoly) (*FmpzPoly, *FmpzPoly) DivRem computes q, r such that z=mq+r and 0 ≤ len(r) < len(m).

Univariate Polynomials over the integers modulo n.

  • NewFmpzModPoly(n *Fmpz) *FmpzModPoly NewFmpzModPoly allocates a new FmpzModPoly mod n and returns it.
  • NewFmpzModPoly2(n *Fmpz, a int) *FmpzModPoly NewFmpzModPoly2 allocates a new FmpzModPoly mod n with at least a coefficients and returns it.
  • SetString(poly string) (*FmpzModPoly, error) SetString returns a polynomial mod n using the string representation as the definition.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) Set(poly *FmpzModPoly) *FmpzModPoly Set sets z to poly and returns z
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) String() string String returns a string representation of the polynomial.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) StringSimple() string StringSimple returns a simple string representation of the polynomials length, modulus and coefficients.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) Zero() *FmpzModPoly Zero sets z to the zero polynomial and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) FitLength(l int) FitLength sets the number of coefficiets in z to l.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) SetCoeff(c int, x *Fmpz) *FmpzModPoly SetCoeff sets the c'th coefficient of z to x where x is an Fmpz and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) SetCoeffUI(c int, x uint) *FmpzModPoly SetCoeffUI sets the c'th coefficient of z to x where x is an uint and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) GetCoeff(c int) *Fmpz GetCoeff gets the c'th coefficient of z and returns an Fmpz.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) GetCoeffs() []*Fmpz GetCoeffs gets all of the coefficient of z and returns a slice of Fmpz.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) GetMod() *Fmpz GetMod gets the modulus of z and returns an Fmpz.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) Len() int Len returns the length of the poly z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) Neg(p *FmpzModPoly) *FmpzModPoly Neg sets z to the negative of p and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) GCD(a, b *FmpzModPoly) *FmpzModPoly GCD sets z = gcd(a, b) and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) Equal(p *FmpzModPoly) bool Equal returns true if z is equal to p otherwise false.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) Add(a, b *FmpzModPoly) *FmpzModPoly Add sets z = a + b and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) Sub(a, b *FmpzModPoly) *FmpzModPoly Sub sets z = a - b and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) Mul(a, b *FmpzModPoly) *FmpzModPoly Mul sets z = a * b and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) MulScalar(a *FmpzModPoly, x *Fmpz) *FmpzModPoly MulScalar sets z = a * x where x is an Fmpz.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) DivScalar(a *FmpzModPoly, x *Fmpz) *FmpzModPoly DivScalar sets z = a / x where x is an Fmpz.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) Pow(m *FmpzModPoly, e int) *FmpzModPoly Pow sets z to m^e and returns z.
  • (z *FmpzModPoly) DivRem(m *FmpzModPoly) (*FmpzModPoly, *FmpzModPoly) DivRem computes q, r such that z=mq+r and 0 ≤ len(r) < len(m).


// Fmpz is a arbitrary size integer type.
type Fmpz struct {
  i    C.fmpz_t
  init bool

// Mpz is an abitrary size integer type from the Gnu Multiprecision Library.
type Mpz struct {
  i    C.mpz_t
  init bool

// Fmpq is an arbitrary precision rational type.
type Fmpq struct {
  i    C.fmpq_t
  init bool

// FmpzPoly type represents a univatiate polynomial over the integers.
type FmpzPoly struct {
	i    C.fmpz_poly_t
	init bool

// FmpzModPoly type represents elements of Z/nZ[x] for a fixed modulus n.
type FmpzModPoly struct {
	i    C.fmpz_mod_poly_t
	init bool

// NmodPoly type represents elements of Z/nZ[x] for a fixed modulus n.
type NmodPoly struct {
  i    C.nmod_poly_t
  init bool

// MpLimb type is a uint64.
type MpLimb struct {
  i    C.mp_limb_t

// FlintRandT keeps state for Fmpz random number generation.
type FlintRandT struct {
	i    C.flint_rand_t
	init bool

// FmpzMat is a matrix of Fmpz.
type FmpzMat struct {
	i    C.fmpz_mat_t
	rows int
	cols int
	init bool


a := NewFmpz(1)



Install the golang and the FLINT library.

  • On Ubuntu (tested on 20.04LTS):
    $ apt install golang libflint-dev`
  • On MacOS (tested on Monterey 12.1 M1)
    $ brew install flint

Use go to install the library:

  • go get


As this contains a great deal of code copied from the Go source it is licenced identically to the Go source itself - see the LICENSE file for details.

Note About Prior Art

I found this on the internet, it might help me get going quicker but seems written to do a few tasks only:

I am also heavily influenced to do this by nick [at] due to this repo:



Golang wrapper for some parts of FLINT2







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