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AutoML framework balancing performance and complexity


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Extended version

Code for the extended version of Deep-n-Cheap can be found here.


This repository implements Deep-n-Cheap – an AutoML framework to search for deep learning models. Features include:

  • Complexity oriented: Get models with good performance and low training time or parameter count
  • Cuttomizable search space for both architecture and training hyperparameters
  • Supports models on CNNs, MLPs, Regression
  • available for tensorflow.keras and pytorch frameworks

Highlight: State-of-the-art performance on benchmark and custom datasets with training time orders of magnitude lower than competing frameworks and NAS efforts.

How to cite?
The original research paper was presented in ACML 2020, and is also available on arXiv. Use this bibtex for citation:

  title = {Deep-n-Cheap: An Automated Search Framework for Low Complexity Deep Learning},
  author = {Dey, Sourya and Kanala, Saikrishna C. and Chugg, Keith M. and Beerel, Peter A.},
  booktitle = {Proc. 12th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML)},
  pages = {273--288},
  year = {2020},
  month = {Nov},
  publisher = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR)},
  volume = {129}

The extended version paper is published in the journal SN Computer Science.

How to run?

$ pip install sobol_seq tqdm
$ git clone
$ cd deep-n-cheap
$ python

For help:

$ python -h

Complexity customization

Set wc to high values to penalize complexity at the cost of performance:

  • --wc=0: Performance oriented search
  • --wc=0.1: Balance performance and complexity
  • --wc=10: Complexity oriented search
  • Any non-negative value of wc is supported!

Datasets (including custom)

Set dataset to either:

  • --dataset=dataset_name. Currently supported values of <dataset_name> = 'mnist', 'fmnist', 'cifar10', 'cifar100'
  • --dataset='path+dataset_name.npz', where <dataset> should a .npz file with 4 keys:
    • xtr: numpy array of shape (num_train_samples, num_features...), example (50000,3,32,32) or (60000,784). Image data should be in channels_first format.
    • ytr: numpy array of shape (num_train_samples,)
    • xte: numpy array of shape (num_test_samples, num_features...)
    • yte: numpy array of shape (num_test_samples,)
  • Some datasets can be downloaded from the links in dataset_links.txt. Alternatively, define your own custom datasets.

Quick Example

Download mnist.npz from and put it in this folder. Then run

python --network 'mlp' --dataset 'mnist.npz' --input_size 784 --output_size 10 --numepochs 3 --bo_prior_states 3 --bo_steps 3 --drop_probs_mlp 0 0.5

This should take ~90 seconds to run on a CPU without GPU, give around ~97% validation accuracy (YMMV), and produce a file results.pkl.

Detailed Examples

  1. Search for CNNs between 4-16 layers on CIFAR-10, train each for 100 epochs, run Bayesian optimization for 15 prior points and 15 steps. Optimize for performance only. Estimated search cost: 30 GPU hours on AWS-EC2 P3-2xlarge
python --network 'cnn' --dataset 'cifar10' --input_size 3 32 32 --output_size 10 --wc 0 --numepochs 100 --bo_prior_states 15 --bo_steps 15 --num_conv_layers 4 16 --dl_framework torch

Just change dl_framework for tf.keras version:

python --network 'cnn' --dataset 'cifar10' --input_size 3 32 32 --output_size 10 --wc 0 --numepochs 100 --bo_prior_states 15 --bo_steps 15 --num_conv_layers 4 16 --dl_framework tf.keras
  1. Search for CNNs between 5-10 layers on MNIST without augmentation, max channels in any conv layer is 256, search for batch sizes from 64 to 128 and dropout drop probabilities in [0.1,0.2]. Optimize for fast training by using a high wc.
python --network 'cnn' --dataset 'mnist' --augment False --input_size 1 32 32 --output_size 10 --augment False --wc 1 --num_conv_layers 5 10 --channels_upper 256 --batch_size 64 128 --drop_probs_cnn 0.1 0.2 --dl_framework tf.keras
  1. Search for MLPs on FMNIST without augmentation, 3 Bayesian optimization for each stage1 and stage 3. Custimizable dl_framework on torch and tf.keras
python --network 'mlp' --dataset 'fmnist' --val_split 0 --input_size 1 28 28 --output_size 10 --numepochs 10 --bo_prior_states 3 --bo_steps 3 --bo_explore 10 --dl_framework torch/tf.keras
  1. Search for MLPs on the custom Reuters RCV1 dataset, which has 2000 input features and 50 output classes. Search between 0-2 hidden layers, moderately penalize parameter count, search for initial learning rates from 1e-1 to 1e-4, run each model for 20 epochs. Use half data for validation.
python --network 'mlp' --dataset 'rcv1_2000.npz' --val_split 0.5 --input_size 2000 --output_size 50 --wc 0.05 --penalize 'numparams' --numepochs 20 --num_hidden_layers 0 2 --lr -4 -1
  1. Search for CNNs on the custom Reuters RCV1 dataset reshaped to 5 channels of 20x20 pixels each and saved as 'rcv1_2000_reshaped.npz'. Use default CNN search settings.
python --network 'cnn' --dataset 'rcv1_2000_reshaped.npz' --input_size 5 20 20 --output_size 50
  1. Search on Regression on given dataset. Make sure that .npz is under the root path, or assign --data_folder to a specific path.
python3 --network 'mlp' --dataset new_reg.npz --val_split 0. --input_size 1 --output_size 1 --wc 0.0 --numepochs 10 --bo_prior_states 3 --bo_steps 3 --bo_explore 10 --dl_framework tf.keras --problem_type regression --batch_size 4 8

Some results from the original research paper

  • >91% accuracy on CIFAR-10 in 9 hrs of searching with a model taking 3 sec/epoch to train.
  • >95% accuracy on Fashion-MNIST in 17 hrs of searching with a model taking 5 sec/epoch to train.
  • >91% accuracy on Reuters RCV1 in 2 hrs of searching with a model with 1M parameters.


Deep-n-Cheap is developed and maintained by the USC HAL team


AutoML framework balancing performance and complexity







No packages published

Contributors 3

