It is designed to be used with small to medium-sized react projects and is perfect for developers who want to deploy their projects to a server without having to deal with complex configuration files or other deployment tools.
- Simple and easy to use
- Lightweight and fast
- No complex configuration files
- No need to install any additional software
- No need to learn a new deployment tool
- No need to deal with complex deployment processes
!!! Currently reploy only supports deploying react projects to a server. Support for other frameworks and languages will be added in the future.
- bun
- redis-server
- Make sure you have build command in your package.json file.
git clone ""
cd Reploy
cd server
bun install
sudo service redis-server restart
# You need to run three different commands in three different terminal
# 1
cd server/services/upload
# 2
cd server/services/deploy
# 3
cd server/services/request-handler
cd client/web
yarn install
yarn dev