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List of main fields

Soxoj edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 5 revisions

uid - inner user identifier in the service (usually numeric or hash)

username - extracted canonical username (may be different with the given in letters case)

fullname - first and last name of user; join them if there are no such source field

image - user's avatar / photo

image_bg - background of user's profile (only for services with such customization)

follower_count - number of users the user is following (not friends!)

following_count - number of users following the user (subscribers)

gender - TBD acceptable values, now can be f, male, etc.

created_at - the exact time of account registration (use parse_datetime func to parse source data)

updated_at - the exact time of account update (use parse_datetime func to parse source data)

url - link to user's site, social network account, etc.; if there are a lot of urls or certain social networks labels, it's recommended to use links and specified field names like twitter_username, twitter_url

links - list of all links to user's sites, social networks accounts, etc.

location - location of the user (country, city, etc.)

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