Python and Matlab interfaces to the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 2016 model. A Fortran compiler is required to build the IRI2016 code.
- Fortran compiler--any modern Fortran compiler will do. Here's how to get Gfortran:
- Linux:
apt install gfortran
- Mac:
brew install gcc
- Windows: consider MSYS2
- Linux:
and then install latest release:
pip install iri2016
if you want the latest development version:
git clone
pip install -e iri2016
This Python wrapper of IRI2016 uses our build-on-run technique.
On the first run or iri2016.IRI()
the Fortran code is built--we call this "build on run".
If you have errors about building on the first run, ensure that your Fortran compiler is specified in environment variable FC--this is what most build systems use to indicate the desired Fortran compiler (name or full path).
Altitude Profile: plot density and temperatures vs altitude
python -m iri2016.altitude 2003-11-21T12 -11.95 -76.77
Latitude profile: plot densities and height at the peak of F2, F2, and E regions vs geographic latitude
python -m iri2016.latitude 2004-11-21T17 -76.77
Time profile: plot densities and height at the peak of F2, F2, and E regions vs UTC
python -m iri2016.time 2014-11-21 2014-11-22 1 -11.95 -76.77
Latitude vs Longitude: plot of foF2 a function of geographic latitude and longitude
irisub.for has a few dozen logical flags stored in variable JF. To reconfigure those flags, edit iri2016_driver.f90 and recompile iri2016_driver.exe.
IRI2016 is readily accessible from Matlab. From within Matlab verify everything is working by:
The Examples directory has simple example use with plots.
regularly updated.
Currently we don't auto-update those.