Twitter: @spacemeowx2
- Full-stack Developer & Security Enthusiast, proficient in front-end development (TypeScript, React, Next.js, etc.) and back-end technologies (Node.js, Rust, Deno, etc.), dedicated to solving engineering problems efficiently.
- Fast Learner, able to quickly grasp new technologies and apply them to real-world projects.
- Hacker at Heart, passionate about exploring computer networks, protocol analysis, and reverse engineering, with a love for dissecting the logic behind software and protocols.
- Tool Developer, creating practical tools for security research and network debugging, such as proxy tools and protocol parsers.
- Front-end: HTML, Tailwind CSS, CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, GraphQL, Next.js
- Back-end: Node.js, Deno, Rust, Prisma, GraphQL, OpenAPI/Swagger
- Security Tools: Wireshark, Ghidra, IDA Pro, Burp Suite
- Others: Reverse Engineering, Protocol Analysis, Network Security, Docker, Kubernetes
- switch-lan-play: A tool to simulate LAN and apply SOCKS 5 proxy for Nintendo Switch, with over 22,000 users on Discord.
- ldn_mitm: A sysmodule to convert local play to LAN play for CFW Switch, supporting custom system multiplayer.
- s3si.ts: A Splatoon 3 data export tool developed with TypeScript + Deno, integrated into multiple software.
- rabbit-digger-pro: A proxy tool written in Rust, supporting protocol nesting and Clash subscription files.
- DEF CON CTF 2021 Finals - 1st Place
- DEF CON CTF 2020 Finals - 1st Place
- Twitter: @spacemeowx2
- Email:
- 全栈开发者 & 安全爱好者,擅长前端开发(TypeScript、React、Next.js 等)和后端技术(Node.js、Rust、Deno 等),致力于高效解决工程问题。
- 快速学习者,能够迅速掌握新技术并应用于实际项目中。
- Hacker at Heart,热爱探索计算机网络、协议分析、逆向工程,喜欢拆解软件和协议背后的逻辑。
- 工具开发者,为安全研究和网络调试开发实用工具,例如代理工具和协议解析器。
- 前端: HTML, Tailwind CSS, CSS, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, GraphQL, Next.js
- 后端: Node.js, Deno, Rust, Prisma, GraphQL, OpenAPI/Swagger
- 安全工具: Wireshark, Ghidra, IDA Pro, Burp Suite
- 其他: 逆向工程, 协议分析, 网络安全, Docker, Kubernetes
- switch-lan-play: 为 Switch 模拟局域网和应用 SOCKS 5 代理的工具,Discord 服务器拥有超过 22000 名用户。
- ldn_mitm: 将 CFW Switch 的本地联机改成局域网联机的 sysmodule,支持自定义系统联机功能。
- s3si.ts: 使用 TypeScript + Deno 开发的 Splatoon 3 数据导出工具,被集成到多款软件中。
- rabbit-digger-pro: 用 Rust 写的代理工具,支持协议嵌套和 Clash 订阅文件。
- DEF CON CTF 2021 决赛 - 第一名
- DEF CON CTF 2020 决赛 - 第一名
- Twitter: @spacemeowx2
- Email: