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How to add a new table to the database

Bryan Hilbert edited this page Jan 12, 2023 · 1 revision

For new non-monitor database tables, here is a recipe for creating the table in the database. In this example, we're using the new FilesystemCharacteristics table, which is defined in as:

class FilesystemCharacteristics(base):
    """ORM for table containing instrument-specific lists of the number of
    obervations corresponding to various instrument characteristics (e.g.

    # Name the table
    __tablename__ = 'filesystem_characteristics'

    # Define the columns
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    date = Column(DateTime, nullable=False)
    instrument = Column(Enum(*JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES, name='instrument_name_enum'), nullable=False)
    filter_pupil = Column(ARRAY(String, dimensions=1))
    obs_per_filter_pupil = Column(ARRAY(Integer, dimensions=1))

To create the new table:

from jwql.database.database_interface import FilesystemCharacteristics
from jwql.database.database_interface import load_connection
from jwql.utils.utils import get_config

connection_string = get_config()['connection_string']
session, base, engine, meta = load_connection(constring)