As the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to process text becomes ubiquitous - from social media apps to job applications - understanding the basics of how meaning is extracted from text is crucial.
In these hands-on workshops, you will learn how to use IBM Watson services to extract meaning from sample text.
Before starting the workshops, create an IBM Cloud account (free) and provision instances (lite plan) of the following services (if you don't already have these):
Create an IBM Cloud account
IBM Cloud login -
Provision an instance of IBM Watson Studio
IBM Watson Studio -
Provision an instance of IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding
IBM Watson NLU -
[For workshop session 2 only] Provision an instance of IBM Watson Knowledge Studio
IBM Knowledge Studio
Demo video
Prerequisite set up
If you have any trouble completing these prerequisites, feel free to email us for help:
Sarah Packowski
Ashley Zhao
NLP Hands-on Workshop Series Session 1: Extracting meaning from text using a notebook in Watson Studio
Monday, November 4 | 15:15 - 17:00 | Holly & Butternut
In this practical, hands-on workshop, you will use IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding to extract meaning from sample text in a Python notebook in IBM Watson Studio.
Workshop session 1 instructions
NLP Hands-on Workshop Series Session 2: Creating a custom language model to optimize NLP results
Tuesday, November 5 | 10:45 - 12:15 | Holly & Butternut
In this practical, hands-on workshop, you will create a custom language model using IBM Watson Knowledge Studio. Then you'll use IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding in a Python notebook in IBM Watson Studio to compare results from a general language model with results from your custom language model.