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Black-box Auditing of DP-SGD

This repository contains the source code for the paper Nearly Tight Black-Box Auditing of Differentially Private Machine Learning by M.S.M.S. Annamalai, E. De Cristofaro, to appear at NeurIPS 2024.


Dependencies are managed by conda/mamba.

  1. Required dependencies can be installed using the command conda env create -f env.yml and then run conda activate bb_audit_dpsgd.
  2. The pre-training algorithm to craft worst-case initial model parameters are given in craft_inital_params.ipynb, but we also provide the pre-trained worst-case inital parameters we use under the pretrained_models/ folder.

Preparing datasets

Here, we provide the splits we use for the MNIST and CIFAR-10 dataset. We also provide the last layer activations extracted from running CIFAR-10 inference on the WRN-28-10 model pre-trained on the ImageNet-32 dataset (see paper and model).

  1. In order to de-compress the datasets, use command cat data_compressed/* | tar -xvz.


To audit a Logistic Regression model trained on the MNIST dataset with $\varepsilon = 10.0$ you can run the following command:
(More command line options can be found inside the file)

$ python3 --data_name mnist --model_name lr --epsilon 10.0


We provide the exact scripts we use to run experiments under the scripts/ folder, which should have more options that you can play around with.
Results can be plotted using plot_results.ipynb notebook.


  1. We only consider full batch gradient descent, so $B = |D|$ always.
  2. For DP-SGD, we sum the gradients instead of averaging them as the size of the dataset can leak information in add/remove DP (see issue). Therefore, learning rates are expressed in a non-standard way (as $\frac{\eta}{B}$ instead of just $\eta$) here. Specifically, when training a model on half of the MNIST dataset, $\eta = 4$ corresponds to a learning rate of $\frac{\eta}{B} = \frac{4}{30,000} = 1.33 \times 10^{-4}$ (see scripts/, which stays the same regardless of whether the dataset is $D$ or $D^-$.


Source code for black-box auditing DP-SGD






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