Blazingly fast UUIDs in Node.js.
npm install spazmodius/fastGuid
const fastGuid = require('@spazmodius/fastGuid')
console.log(fastGuid()) // 21004214-9c2d-4730-813b-fbe35848fc00
console.log(fastGuid('D')) // 21004214-9c2d-4730-813b-fbe35848fc01
console.log(fastGuid('N')) // 210042149c2d4730813bfbe35848fc02
console.log(fastGuid('B')) // {21004214-9c2d-4730-813b-fbe35848fc03}
// or
console.log(fastGuid.D()) // 21004214-9c2d-4730-813b-fbe35848fc04
console.log(fastGuid.N()) // 210042149c2d4730813bfbe35848fc05
console.log(fastGuid.B()) // {21004214-9c2d-4730-813b-fbe35848fc06}
This UUID generator is freakishly fast, and generates unique UUIDs, in conformance with RFC 9562. But it does not generate unguessable UUIDs. In particulary, sequences of 256 UUIDs will differ only in the last byte. So if you've generated one, it's pretty easy to guess the next one.
However, you should not be using UUIDs for unguessable secrets anyway; that is explicitly not one of their properties. They are intended to be unique, not unguessable; please use a cryptographically random source if you need secrets.