The Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software (PySPEDAS) framework supports multi-mission, multi-instrument retrieval, analysis, and visualization of heliophysics time series data.
- Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE)
- Akebono
- Arase (ERG)
- Cluster
- Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE)
- Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS)
- Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR)
- Dynamics Explorer 2 (DE2)
- Equator-S
- Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer (FAST)
- Geotail
- Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)
- Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE)
- Kyoto Dst Index
- Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN)
- Magnetic Induction Coil Array (MICA)
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS)
- Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES)
- Polar
- Parker Solar Probe (PSP)
- Solar & Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
- Solar Orbiter (SOLO)
- Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO)
- Space Technology 5 (ST5)
- Spherical Elementary Currents (SECS)
- Swarm
- Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS)
- Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom Spectrometers (TWINS)
- Ulysses
- Van Allen Probes (RBSP)
- Wind
Python 3.9+ is required.
We recommend Anaconda which comes with a suite of packages useful for scientific data analysis. Step-by-step instructions for installing Anaconda can be found at: Windows, macOS, Linux
To avoid potential dependency issues with other Python packages, we suggest creating a virtual environment for PySPEDAS; you can create a virtual environment in your terminal with:
python -m venv pyspedas
To enter your virtual environment, run the 'activate' script:
source pyspedas/bin/activate
To get virtual environments working with Jupyter, in the virtual environment, type:
pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name pyspedas --display-name "Python (pySPEDAS)"
(note: "pyspedas" is the name of your virtual environment)
Then once you open the notebook, go to "Kernel" then "Change kernel" and select the one named "Python (PySPEDAS)"
PySPEDAS supports Windows, macOS and Linux. To get started, install the pyspedas
package using PyPI:
pip install pyspedas
To upgrade to the latest version of PySPEDAS:
pip install pyspedas --upgrade
The recommended way of setting your local data directory is to set the SPEDAS_DATA_DIR
environment variable. SPEDAS_DATA_DIR
acts as a root data directory for all missions, and will also be used by IDL (if you’re running a recent copy of the bleeding edge).
Mission specific data directories (e.g., MMS_DATA_DIR
for THEMIS) can also be set, and these will override SPEDAS_DATA_DIR
and mission specific data directories can also be the URI of a cloud repository (e.g., an S3 repository). If this data directory is set to an URI, files will be downloaded from the data server to the URI location. The data will then be streamed from the URI without needing to download the file locally.
In order to successfully access the specified cloud repository, the user is required to correctly set up permissions to be able to read and write to that cloud repository on their own. Refer (here)[] for how to prepare your AWS configuration and credentials.
You can load data into tplot variables by calling pyspedas.projecs.mission.instrument()
, e.g.,
To load and plot 1 day of THEMIS FGM data for probe 'd':
import pyspedas
from pyspedas import tplot
thm_fgm = pyspedas.projects.themis.fgm(trange=['2015-10-16', '2015-10-17'], probe='d')
tplot(['thd_fgs_gse', 'thd_fgs_gsm'])
The above example used the fully qualified load routine name pyspedas.projects.themis.fgm
It is also possible to use abbreviated names by importing them from the appropriate mission module:
To load and plot 2 minutes of MMS burst mode FGM data:
from pyspedas.projects.mms import fgm
from pyspedas import tplot
mms_fgm = fgm(trange=['2015-10-16/13:05:30', '2015-10-16/13:07:30'], data_rate='brst')
tplot(['mms1_fgm_b_gse_brst_l2', 'mms1_fgm_b_gsm_brst_l2'])
Note: by default, PySPEDAS loads all data contained in CDFs found within the requested time range; this can potentially load data outside of your requested trange. To remove the data outside of your requested trange, set the time_clip
keyword to True
To load and plot 6 hours of PSP SWEAP/SPAN-i data:
import pyspedas
from pyspedas import tplot
spi_vars = pyspedas.projects.psp.spi(trange=['2018-11-5', '2018-11-5/06:00'], time_clip=True)
tplot(['DENS', 'VEL', 'T_TENSOR', 'TEMP'])
To download 5 days of STEREO magnetometer data (but not load them into tplot variables):
import pyspedas
stereo_files = pyspedas.projects.stereo.mag(trange=['2013-11-1', '2013-11-6'], downloadonly=True)
: two-element list specifying the time range of interest. This keyword accepts a wide range of formatstime_clip
: if set, clip the variables to the exact time range specified by thetrange
: string specifying a suffix to append to the loaded variablesvarformat
: string specifying which CDF variables to load; accepts the wild cards * and ?varnames
: string specifying which CDF variables to load (exact names)get_support_data
: if set, load the support variables from the CDFsdownloadonly
: if set, download the files but do not load them into tplotno_update
: if set, only load the data from the local cachenotplot
: if set, load the variables into dictionaries containing numpy arrays (instead of creating the tplot variables)
Please see the following notebooks for examples of using PySPEDAS
- Annotations
- Range options
- Spectrogram options
- Legend options
- Markers and symbols
- Error bars
- Pseudo variables
- Highlight intervals and vertical bars
Additional examples of loading and plotting data can be found in the documentation for the project you're interested in (PySPEDAS projects), as well as the project's README file.
- Coordinate transformations
- Boundary normal (LMN) coordinates
- Quaternion transformations with SpacePy
- Plasma calculations with PlasmaPy
- Poynting flux with MMS data
- Plasma beta with MMS data (note: the PlasmaPy notebook above shows a much easier method)
- Curlometer calculations
- Neutral sheet models
- Wave polarization calculations
- Dynamic power spectra calculations
- 2D slices of MMS distribution functions
- Generating spectrograms and moments from MMS distribution functions
For more information, please see our HTML documentation at:
To find the options supported, call help
on the instrument function you're interested in:
import pyspedas
To find PySPEDAS routine names by a keyword search, use the libs
command (similar to the one found in IDL SPEDAS.)
import pyspedas
from pyspedas import libs
# Find all PySPEDAS routine names containing the given string
# If you don't know the exact spelling, you can use wildcard characters * and ? in the search pattern:
You can ask questions by creating an issue here on Github, by joining the SPEDAS mailing list, or by emailing the project maintainers at .
Pytplot is a separate project (soon to be merged into PySPEDAS), that replicates the IDL "tplot" functionality. Pyspedas uses a modified version of pytplot with matplotlib as the plotting library.
We welcome contributions to PySPEDAS; to learn how you can contribute, please see our Contributing Guide
An introduction to PySPEDAS plug-in development can be found here:
Introduction to PySPEDAS plug-in development
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. To learn more, please see our Code of Conduct.
For examples of pyspedas, see:
For MMS examples, see:
For pytplot (matplotlib version), see:
For cdflib, see:
For SPEDAS, see