Generate Spelunky Identicons
Copy textures from your extracted assets, i.e. Mods/Extracted/Data/Textures
, into target/Textures
. Also copy textures from the Spelunky 2 Retrofied mod into target/ClassicTextures
cargo build --release
To debug, run the service locally, then open a browser and enter a URL, e.g.
, the result will be served directly to your browser. To run the service:
cargo run --release
Running in Debug mode (i.e. cargo run
) is required for setting breakpoints. However loading all textures in debug mode is very slow. To speed up debug builds resize all images into the folders Textures/LowRes
and ClassicTextures/LowRes
respectively. Ideally scale by a multiple of a half, e.g.
cd target/Textures
mkdir LowRes
magick mogrify -resize 12.5% -quality 100 -filter Point -path ./LowRes *.png
The LowRes
folder is only used in Debug builds, not in Release builds.