A Lightweight GenServer that stores and caches Google's Public Certificates.
The Google Certificates library makes it easy to verify and validate a JWT issued by Google. See the how to use with the joken library section below for an example on how to accomplish this using this library combined with the Joken library.
For more details, see Google's backend-auth documentation, specifically the verify the integrity of the id token section.
The default behavior is to use the JWK
format (/oauth2/v3/certs) for certificates, but the PEM
(/oauth2/v1/certs) format can be used if specified.
This package can be installed
by adding google_certs
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:google_certs, "~> 0.1"}
Invoke GoogleCerts.get/0
or GoogleCerts.fetch/1
where needed.
is an Agent that will automatically be
started and hydrated so that calls to GoogleCerts.get/0
or GoogleCerts.fetch/1
will return the cached results.
Every time GoogleCerts.get/0
or GoogleCerts.fetch/1
is invoked, the expiration of the cached certificates is checked. If
the certificates are expired then a new network request is automatically issued to Google's API to refresh the cache.
If you wish to start GoogleCerts.CertificateCache
manually you can set GOOGLE_CERTS_ENABLE_AUTO_START=false
or auto_start?: false
and add it to your supervision tree.
use Application
alias GoogleCerts.CertificateCache
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Directory.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
There are three publicity available functions that are helpful.
- Get cached certificatesGoogleCerts.fetch/1
- Get a certificate by it's kid (useful withJoken.peek_header/1
to andJoken.Signer.create/3
to create a signer)GoogleCerts.refresh/1
- Refresh aGoogleCerts.Certificates
struct if the certificates are expired. Intended for internal use.
iex> GoogleCerts.get() # get all certificates
iex> GoogleCerts.fetch("257f6a5828d1e4a3a6a03fcd1a2461db9593e624") # get a certificate by its kid
iex> GoogleCerts.refresh(%GoogleCerts.Certificates{}) # refresh a set of certificates if they are expired
How to use with the Joken library
- Create a custom verify hook
- Register your custom verify hook with your JWTManager (custom module that
use Joken.Config
) - Use your JWTManager to verify and validate a JWT issued from Google.
- See ueberauth and ueberauth_google packages for retrieving a JWT from Google as part of your authentication.
Create a custom verify hook
defmodule Crypto.VerifyHook do
@moduledoc false
use Joken.Hooks
@impl true
def before_verify(_options, {jwt, %Joken.Signer{} = _signer}) do
with {:ok, %{"kid" => kid}} <- Joken.peek_header(jwt),
{:ok, algorithm, key} <- GoogleCerts.fetch(kid) do
{:cont, {jwt, Joken.Signer.create(algorithm, key)}}
error -> {:halt, {:error, :no_signer}}
Register your custom verify hook with your JWTManager
defmodule Crypto.JWTManager do
@moduledoc false
use Joken.Config, default_signer: nil
@iss "https://accounts.google.com"
# your google client id (usually ends in *.apps.googleusercontent.com)
defp aud, do: Application.get_env(:my_app, :google_client_id)
# reference your custom verify hook here
@impl Joken.Config
def token_config do
default_claims(skip: [:aud, :iss])
|> add_claim("iss", nil, &(&1 == @iss))
|> add_claim("aud", nil, &(&1 == aud()))
Use your JWTManager to verify and validate a JWT issued from Google
iex> jwt = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1..."
iex> {:ok, claims} = JWTManager.verify_and_validate(jwt)
See GoogleCerts.Env
for all possible configurations. Most settings can be set using either
system environment variables or elixir configurations.
# config/config.exs
config :google_certs, version: 1 # Use PEM format instead of JWK format. defaults to 3 for JWK
# bash
GOOGLE_CERTS_API_VERSION=1 iex -S mix phx.server # Use PEM format instead of JWK format. defaults to 3 for JWK