- Copy
and set secrets spice run
Using openai
What datasets do I have access to?
General answer.
Using openai-with-spice
What datasets do I have access to?
Correctly list 4 nginx datasets. -
What were the top 3 Nginx CVEs in 2024? Provide references"
Note, if an incorrect response is given, follow up with: that doesn't seem right. Use SQL
Lists them with references and links to CVEs.
What Nginx CVEs involved QUIC? Include references
Shows CVEs: CVE-2024-24989, CVE-2024-24990, CVE-2024-31079 Have references to links, e.g. https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2024-31079
Explanation of each CVE
Which tickets suggest improvements to the existing NGINX documentation?
Valid tickets, with their ticket number and reference (e.g. https://trac.nginx.org/nginx/ticket/341) Should be about documentation -
Does the documentation say anything about the first one?
Note: If the answer is no, you can select another one, e.g: "What about the last one?" Must pick the correct issue from above question Valid documentation Valid references to documentation.