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Configuration for _translation.json

spikeydragoon edited this page Feb 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

The translation file is just to be able to change what the bot says in discord and in-game. This is mostly so people that speak other languages can change this english to their language however if you want to word things different you can as well. Note you can not replace the text to the left only replace whats between the "" on the right side.

Example of default looks like.

  "RconReplys": {
    "PickAServer": "Pick a Server by number or say all to run the command on all servers.",
    "PickAllServers": "all",
    "ReplyWithNumberStart": "Reply with the number",
    "ReplyWithNumberEnd": "to select this server",
    "CommandSent": "Command Sent",
    "CommandSentTo": "Command Sent to",
    "AllCommandsSent": "All Commands Sent",
    "NoReplyData": "No data returned from the server. This is normal depending on the command",
    "NoServerSelected": "You didn't select a server number in the list.",
    "NoSelectionTimeout": "You did not reply before the timeout.",
    "WrongServerName": "Command not sent. Make sure you typed the Map name exzactly like it is listed in the config."

  "CrossArkChatReplys": {
    "ChatStart": "Chat started",
    "ChatStartFailed": "Chat crashed while starting",
    "ChatStop": "Chat stopped",
    "ChatClear": "Chat cleared"

  "NotificationReplys": {
    "PlayerJoinStart": "Player",
    "PlayerJoinMiddle": "joined the",
    "PlayerJoinEnd": "server",
    "PlayerLeftStart": "Player",
    "PlayerLeftMiddle": "left the",
    "PlayerLeftEnd": "server",
    "PlayerCountStart": "",
    "PlayerCountMiddle": "/",
    "MaxPlayerCount": "100",
    "PlayerCountEnd": "",
    "VersionCheckStart": "New CrossArkChat version",
    "VersionCheckEnd": "is now avaiable",
    "PatchNotesStart": "Patch notes for new cross ark chat version",
    "PatchNotesEnd": ""

  "DiscordReplys": {
    "DeleteMaxStart": "You can only delete a max of",
    "DeleteMaxEnd": "messages at a time.",
    "DeletedOne": "1 message has been deleted.",
    "DeletedMessages": "messages have been deleted."

  "CommandHelpReplys": {
    "CommandList": "These are the commands you can use",
    "NoCommandFoundStart": "Sorry, couldn't find a command like",
    "NoCommandFoundEnd": ".",
    "SimularCommand": "Here are some commands like",
    "CommandUsage": "Usage:",
    "CommandSummary": "Summary:"

  "ServerQueryReplys": {
    "NoInfoFoundStart": "(",
    "NoInfoFoundMiddle": ") Call to the server",
    "NoInfoFoundEnd": "failed.",
    "ServerInfoMap": "Map:",
    "ServerInfoPlayerOnline": "Players Online:",
    "ServerInfoMaxPlayer": "Max Players:",
    "ServerInfoPing": "Ping:",
    "ServerInfoConnect": "Connect:"