Product Side of, an alternative to RDS
- You will need a GitHub Token, which you can get from,
Set the redirect URL to http://localhost:3000/login
Setup the tokens in the frontend first, create a .env file in the root of your frontend folder
In the .env file, add the following environment variable
REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID=4b2f989781687e3b6dc1 #only needed if using github authentication
REACT_APP_SERVER_URI=http://localhost:4434 # URL of the spinup API server
- You also need to setup environment variables in the backend folder
- Go into the OauthBackend folder,
cd OauthBackend
- Create the .env file, and set up the following environment variables
- First install all dependencies
cd spinup-dash && npm install
cd OauthBackend && npm install
- To run the frontend
cd spinup-dash && npm start
cd OauthBackend && node index.js
- To use the Docker image
docker build -t spinup .
docker run -itd -p 3000:3000 -v /home/src/app/node_modules -v $(pwd):/home/src/app spinup:latest
👤 Rajat Maheshwari, Hiten Sharma