Scripts for data preparation to comply with the CRANCOD software.
The CRANCOD_data_file.xlsx file is meant to be a single file with all the necessary data for the creation of properly formatted input files for CRANCOD.
- Fill the form in the cfg worksheet with the necessary information. The folder path MUST include the name of the input files without the extension; the proper extension will be added to each output of the CRANCOD_data_preparation script.
- Copy the data to the dat worksheet, leaving the Ydim column
- Fill in with the geometry data the geo worksheet, leaving the Ydim column empty in case of circular plots
- Do not change the .species file
WARNING! The dat and geo worksheets do have the column names to help the data entry: they'll removed automatically from the R script, in order to comply with the rules of CRANCOD.
DATA POST-PROCESSING The 'CRANCOD_post-processing'script is meant to automatically change 'periods' into 'commas' and then produce easily readable files (.csv or .xlsx).