- Arduino-compatible
- Adafruit Feather M0 firmware and pinout
- Small size - fits the smallest model rockets (e.g. 26mm diameter)
- Fairly powerful MCU (Atmel ARM M0 at 32MHz)
- GSM/GPRS for telemetry (SIM868)
- GPS for positioning (SIM868)
- 9-DOF Inertial Motion Unit (MPU-9259)
- Altimeter (BMP-280)
- MicroSD for logging
- Integrated usb-port, lipo-charger and power switch
- Same pinout as Adafruit Feather M0. An on-board component interfers with D5 (see note).
- MicroSD wired similar to Adalogger M0, but chip-select is on D7 not D4
- Voltage is 3.0 instead of 3.3
- I2C pull-ups are present
Note: If you don't need hardware handshaking on the GSM UART, the D5 pin can be freed up by cutting JP2 on the back of the board.
Testing in progress
Design derived from Adafruit M0 Feather Proto and Adalogger
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