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Spot in

Spot in is a place for registering spots. Spots can take place in the virtual or in the physical world. They capture the context and the circumstances that form the setting for an event. Each spot receives a stable Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that can be used for referencing purposes. Spots can contain arbitrary metadata describing a context and circumstances. Additionally, spots can redirect the user to the original source of information. Once created, spots are searchable by places and by keywords.


The following prerequisites must be filled to run this service:

Start the application for local development

Open this folder in Visual Studio Code, and open it in a dev container. In a terminal, run the following commands:

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Copy the default environment variables file
cp .env.defaults .env

# Start the database and smtp server for local development
npm run dev:up

# Run the database migrations
npm run prisma:migrate

# Seed the database with some data
npm run prisma:seed

# Start the application in watch mode (changes to the code will be automatically reloaded)
npm run dev

The application should start and be accessible at http://localhost:3000. The API documentation is accessible at http://localhost:3000/api. You can log in with the credentials defined in the .env file (SPOT_IN_ADMIN_EMAIL and SPOT_IN_ADMIN_PASSWORD). The mail server interface is accessible at http://localhost:8025.

Try out the application in development with Docker

This is not recommended for development, but you can try out the application in development with Docker.

Do not forget to set the environment variables as described in the previous section.

# Build the application with Docker
docker compose build spotin

# Edit the .env file to your needs

# Start the application with Docker
docker compose up spotin

# Optional: seed the database with some data
docker compose exec spotin npm run prisma:seed