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This repository contains all of the .net SDKs for calling the Spresso API.

Package Link
Core SDK Nuget (with prereleases)
Pricing SDK Nuget (with prereleases)


Core SDKs that deal with

  • Authentication
  • Resilient API calls

Note that for best performance, AuthTokenHandler should should be a singleton and live for the lifetime of the application.


SDK that works with the Spresso Price Optimization APIs to fetch optimal prices for a given set of products.

Note that for best performance, SpressoHandler should should be a singleton and live for the lifetime of the application.

By default this SDK tries its best to always return an answer in a fixed amount of time. The IsSuccess flag will let you know if the response succeeded. The Error property will inform you of what went wrong.

Fallback behavior can be disabled by setting SpressoHandlerOptions.ThrowOnFailure to true.

This SDK will handle tokens for you and for any price optimization queries, will return the default price if a bot is detected.


var spressoHandler = new SpressoHandler("myClientId", "mySecret");

// get a single price optimization
var response = await spressoHandler.GetPriceAsync(
    new GetPriceRequest(
        deviceId: "Device-123",
        itemId: "itemId42",
        defaultPrice: 9.99m,
        userId: "9635345345534ad3",
        overrideToDefaultPrice: false,
        userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"

// get price optimizaitons in a batch
var batchResponse2 = spressoHandler.GetPricesAsync(
    new GetPricesRequest(new[]
        new GetPriceRequest(deviceId: "Device-123", itemId: "abc", defaultPrice: 19.99m, userId: "u42", overrideToDefaultPrice: false),
        new GetPriceRequest(deviceId: "Device-123", itemId: "xyz", defaultPrice: 11.99m, userId: "u42", overrideToDefaultPrice: false)
    }, userAgent: "google-bot"));

// update a catalog entry
var updateRequest = new CatalogUpdatesRequest(new []
    { new CatalogUpdateRequest("SKU-1", "my amazing product", 12.34m, 9.87m) }
var catalogUpdateResponse = await spressoHandler.UpdateCatalogAsync(updateRequest);

// verify a price
var verificationRequest = new PriceVerificationsRequest(new []
    { new PriceVerificationRequest("SKU-1", 1.23m, "Device-123") }
var verificationResponse = await spressoHandler.VerifyPricesAsync(verificationRequest);

Mock Server

This repository included a Mock Server that can be used for testing different SDKs (in any language), for testing integrations, and for testing error scenarios.

To Run:

cd ./tests/SpressoAI.MockApi && dotnet run

Forced Error Conditions:

To test different response codes, add the following query parameters to the web request:

status=<status code> - will return the specified status code

example: https://localhost:7176/pim/v1/prices?status=500

To test different response times, add the following query parameters to the web request:

delay=<delay in seconds> - will delay the response by the specified amount of time

example: https://localhost:7176/pim/v1/prices?delay=5

Note: if testing via the SDK, you can use the AdditionalParameters property to add these query parameters to the request.


This solution is setup to use the nuke build system (still a work in progress).

Assuming you have nuke installed, you can run the following commands:

To build the solution, run nuke from the root of the repository.

To target a specific SDK, run nuke --target-project <your sdk of choice>

To build and run tests, run nuke test or nuke test --target-project <your sdk>

To get a list of sdks, run nuke listsdks

For help, run nuke --help

If you do not have nuke installed, you can also substitute nuke with build.cmd, build.ps1, or, depending on your platform.


To run benchmarks, build tests/SpressoAI.Sdk.Benchmarks in Release mode, then run SpressoAI.Sdk.Benchmarks.

Historical Benchmarks


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Contributors 3
