2.1 M1
- #1938 - Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.0.7.
- #1937 - Upgrade to Mockk 1.13.4.
- #1936 - Upgrade to Slf4j 2.0.6.
- #1935 - Upgrade to Reactor 2022.0.5.
- #1934 - Upgrade to Lombok 1.18.26.
- #1933 - Upgrade to JUnit 5.9.2.
- #1932 - Upgrade to Jackson 2.14.2.
- #1931 - Upgrade to Logback 1.4.6.
- #1929 - Polish nullability and Javadoc.
- #1928 - Upgrade to Spring Asciidoctor Backends 0.0.5.
- #1927 - Upgrade to AssertJ 3.24.2.
- #1925 - Upgrade to AsciidoctorJ 2.5.7.
- #1924 - Upgrade to Spring Asciidoctor backends 0.0.4.
- #1923 - Upgrade to Kotlin 1.8.10.
- #1920 - Property metadata should support JSR-303 @SiZe.
- #1919 - Upgrade CI build to use latest setup-java task.
- #1905 - Upgrade to Spring Framework 6.0.5.
- #1900 - Polish use of Optional in PropertyUtils.
- #1899 - Link header parsing breaks for multiple links with at least one containing unquoted values.
- #1886 - Trailing slash added for request mappings with empty path.
- #1856 - Add SlicedModel class for representing Slice collections.
- #1778 - Correct typo in JavaDoc of EntityLinks.