This plugin allows you to report on course completions globally across a site, it currently has been tested with Mysql(MariaDB) and Postgresql.
The report shows a different view depending on whether the logged in user is an admin or a student. An admin can see all records for all students. They can also filter results by firstname, lastname, email, and cohort. A student can only see their own course completion records and they can only filter by course or time.
Course completions must be configured and enabled properly for the courses you want to report on.
The report appears under the reports subsection of the site admin menu. Currently, students have no way via the navigation menu to access the report. If you want students to be able to find the report, you must place a link in an HTML block on the student's dashboard.
The following search criteria are available
- Firstname
- Lastname
- Cohort (if any)
- Active user (not suspended or deleted)
- Suspended
- Deleted
- Category
- Name
- Completion State (Complete/Incomplete)
- Before time
- After time
Finally you can change the search conditions to be inclusive or exclusive (AND vs OR)
The table shows the following data with pagination
- User's full name (sort by first/last and linked to profile) (admin view only)
- Email (admin view only)
- Course (linked to course)
- Timestarted
- Timecompleted
- Completion status (yes/no based on complete/incomplete)
Finally there is a button to export the current set of user selected by your choices to csv
This plugin was developed at the Catalyst Open Source Academy with the assistance of four high school students!
Thank you to (In alphabetical order):
- Ben Rhodes rhodes(dot)j(dot)ben(at)gmail(dot)com
- Victoria Roberts victoriaroberts1001(at)gmail(dot)com
With assistance from Francis Devine <francis(at)catalyst(dot)net(dot)nz>
It was then extended by Oliver Redding <oliverredding(at)catalyst(dot)net(dot)nz>