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A frontend library of common components based on Angular.


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UI Components powered by Angular and Ant Design

Component Development

All components should have their own NgModule where they are declared and all dependencies imported.

Main development should be done via Storybook.

All component behavior from Tech Specs must be unit tested.

Component styles

Main component styles should be in <component-name>.component.less file.

Optionally component may have theme styles that include Ant Design specific files with customized theme from libs/styles/src/lib/themes/default/theme.less and file should be named <component-name>.component.theme.less.


Build library

nx build <lib-name>

Test library

NOTE: Before running any tests - make sure to cleanup dist folder!

nx test <lib-name>

Lint library

nx lint <lib-name>

Lint styles

npm run stylelint


NOTE: Before running any storybooks - make sure to cleanup libs from dist folder!


nx run <lib-name>:storybook


nx run <lib-name>:build-storybook

Global Storybook

NOTE: Before running any storybooks - make sure to cleanup libs from dist folder!


nx run storybook:serve


nx run storybook:compile

Component Levels

All components are classified according to Atomic Design into the following (form lowest to highest):

  1. Atom
  2. Molecule
  3. Organism

NOTE: Components with lower level cannot depend on components with higher level.

For this every component library should have associated ONE level tag:

  1. level:atom
  2. level:molecule
  3. level:organism

Available Tags

  • type:* Describes the library type
    • type:component-service Component with service library
    • type:component Component library
    • type:service Services library
    • type:style Styles library
    • type:util Helper utilities library
    • type:meta Meta package that does not get deployed to NPM (internal infra)
  • level:* Describes the component type according to the Atomic Design framework
    • level:atom
    • level:molecule
    • level:organism
  • pkg:* Describes the package type
    • pkg:primary
    • pkg:extension

Code generation


Every new library should be generated via NX CLI with @nx/angular:library schematic:

nx g @nx/angular:library <lib-name> --publishable --import-path @spryker/<lib-name> --tags level:<level>,type:<type>,pkg:<pkg>

NOTE: When library is generated please do the following:

  • In tsconfig.base.json
    • remove newly generated path paths[@spryker/<lib-name>]:
        "paths": {
            - "@spryker/<lib-name>": [
  • In tsconfig.json
    • add the following to the references:
            "path": "./libs/<lib-name>/tsconfig.json"
  • In libs/<lib-name>/.eslintrc.json
    • remove following section:
        "extends": [
  • In libs/<lib-name>/jest.config.ts
    • remove following sections:
        "transform": { ... },
        "transformIgnorePatterns": [ ... ],
        "snapshotSerializers": [ ... ]
    • add the following globals
        globals: {
            'ts-jest': {
                tsconfig: '<rootDir>/tsconfig.spec.json',
                stringifyContentPathRegex: '\\.(html|svg)$',
  • In libs/<lib-name>/ng-package.json
    • add styleIncludePaths to lib for theme imports (if needed):
        "lib": {
            "styleIncludePaths": ["../styles/src/lib"]
  • In libs/<lib-name>/package.json
    • add publishConfig prop with access=public value:
        "publishConfig": {
            "access": "public"
  • In libs/<lib-name>/tsconfig.json
    • remove following sections:
        "compilerOptions": { ... },
        "angularCompilerOptions": { ... }
    • add reference to prod config
        "references": [
                "path": "./"
  • In libs/<lib-name>/
    • remove following section:
        "angularCompilerOptions": {
            "compilationMode": "partial"
  • In lib/<lib-name>/src/test-setup.ts
    • add global setup import:
    import '../../../config/test-setup';
  • In lib/<lib-name>/src/project.json
    • add styles as implicitDependencies
        "implicitDependencies": ["styles"],


Every new component should be generated via NX CLI with @schematics/angular:component schematic:

nx g @schematics/angular:component --name=<component-name> --project=<lib-name>

Storybook Setup

Storybook setup should be added via NX CLI with @nx/storybook:configuration schematic:

nx g @nx/storybook:configuration --name=<lib-name>

NOTE: Do the following updates after command above:

  • In <lib-name>/.storybook/tsconfig.json:

    • replace "include" array with (add "../../locale/data/**/src/index.ts" to array if using localization):
        "include": ["../src/**/*", "*.js"]
  • Change extension from *.ts into *.js for all files in the <lib-name>/.storybook folder

  • Add import '../../../.storybook/preview'; to the <lib-name>/.storybook/preview.js

  • In <lib-name>/.storybook/main.js:

    • Replace the whole:

          const rootMain = require('../../../.storybook/main');
          module.exports = {
              webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {
                  // apply any global webpack configs that might have been specified in .storybook/main.js
                  if (rootMain.webpackFinal) {
                      config = await rootMain.webpackFinal(config, { configType });
                  // add your own webpack tweaks if needed
                  return config;
              stories: ['../**/*.@(mdx|stories.@(ts))'],
  • In libs/<lib-name>/tsconfig.json:

    • add reference to prod config
        "references": [
                "path": "./.storybook/tsconfig.json"
  • In lib/<lib-name>/src/project.json

    • add new configs for targets section
        "targets": {
             "storybook": {
                "executor": "@storybook/angular:start-storybook",
                "options": {
                    "port": 4400,
                    "configDir": "libs/<lib-name>/.storybook",
                    "browserTarget": "<lib-name>:build-storybook",
                    "compodoc": true,
                    "compodocArgs": ["-e", "json", "-d", "dist"],
                    "enableProdMode": false,
                    "styles": [".storybook/styles.less"]
                "configurations": {
                    "ci": {
                        "quiet": true
            "build-storybook": {
                "executor": "@storybook/angular:build-storybook",
                "outputs": ["{options.outputPath}"],
                "options": {
                    "outputDir": "dist/storybook/<lib-name>",
                    "configDir": "libs/<lib-name>/.storybook",
                    "browserTarget": "<lib-name>:build-storybook",
                    "compodoc": true,
                    "compodocArgs": ["-e", "json", "-d", "dist"],
                    "enableProdMode": false,
                    "styles": [".storybook/styles.less"]
                "configurations": {
                    "ci": {
                        "quiet": true

Library Stories

Generate stories for library module via NX CLI with @nx/angular:stories schematic:

nx g @nx/angular:stories --name=<lib-name>

NOTE: NgModules of the library should declare components for which stories should be generated.
This command can be re-run many times - it will only generate missing stories and keep existing ones untouched.

Component Stories

Generate stories for components via NX CLI with @nx/angular:component-story schematic:

nx g @nx/angular:component-story --project-path libs/<lib-name> --component-path src/lib/<lib-name> --component-name <ComponentName> --component-file-name <name.component>

Localisation / I18N

The localization is provided from each package directly for the package.

The location of i18n files are in: libs/<lib-name>/src/i18n/.

Then each specific language is placed in its own file (ex. en.ts or de.ts) and MUST default export an interface I18nLocaleDataPackage from package locale.

All the i18n files are then aggregated into a main package locale during a build phase.


As all separate i18n files are aggregated in single locale package it's important to understand how to release it correctly (read about Release process).

The changes in separate i18n files will only trigger publishing of their package but the main locale package will not be published.

In order to publish locale package - go to it's main entry point file and update the Locale Version number in the comment at the top.


All commit messages should follow conventional commits specification.

To perform commit you can use a tool that replaces git commit command - npm run ct/yarn ct.

Code formatting

All project files are formatted via prettier.

To perform full project format run:

npm run format

To perform format check run:

npm run format:check

Release process

Releasing and versioning is done fully automatic using lerna.

This is the reason why commits according to conventional changelog is crucial.

All releases are done by merging/pushing to release branches via Travis CI.

During the release:

  • git tags are created
  • package versions updated
  • package changelogs updated
  • packages published to NPM registry

These are the release branches (git branch => @npm tag):

  • master => @latest
  • next => @next
  • beta => @beta
  • alpha => @alpha
  • rc => @rc

Release Recovery


Sometimes publishing to NPM may fail due to several reasons:

  • NPM services experience outages
  • Configuration of certain packages prevent them from being published by NPM (ex. public access is not explicitly set)

This may result in some or all packages not published even when version and changelogs were updated and pushed back to git.

In this case you need to:

  1. Make sure that the issue that prevented packages from publishing is resolved
  2. Merge the branch that failed into related recovery branch (add to name prefix republish/)

Recovery branches for republishing:

  • master => republish/master
  • next => republish/next
  • beta => republish/beta
  • alpha => republish/alpha
  • rc => republish/rc

After branch is pushed to CI it will attempt to find unpublished packages in NPM and try to publish them again with the same versions.


Contributing to the repository

For contribution guidelines, see Code contribution guide.