Distributed Computing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUkjEQYJ0Bc&list=PLtDbS11SJ-Dldyg4AuXtYbssjZJeYS6IR&index=1 What is Load Balancing | System Design Basics
Various load balancing algorithm examples such as
- round robin ,
- IP hashing (ip address hashing)
- meta data (no of active coonection, bandwidth speed, responce time).
- Normal Hashing - Hash the Partiion Key , then % modulus with No of DB present, to find target DB PArtition to store/Retrive Data. if more DB added or deleted, then we need to REdistribute DB and Hash-Modulo Function will keep changing
- Consistent Hashing - Hashed value of Request mapped into a ring , HASH(KEy), Key = Request ID / DB Primary key ID / IP Address.
- Server No also mapped into Ring, - add / delete DB cause only 1 neighbour change - or add multiple Virtual Serve node into Ringh by hasing 1 server ip with multiple hash functions and map 1 server's multiple Virtual Nodes at diff location in Ring.
-Consistent Hashing Rajeev https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWeO2OB40VY - IMP - good explaination.
Gossip protocol - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol
Consistance Hashing Used By
- Apache Cassandra
- Amazon Dynamo DB
- couchbase NoSQL DB (instead of virtual node -> virtual buckets)
- Web server saves DB data into Inmemory Cache Ex. Redis In memory Cache.
- for multiple server nodes we can have their own In memory cache ( cause duplictes more cache miss vs cache hit)
- Distributed cache, with consistent Hashing, and load balancer.
- Global Cache - causes single point failure, bottleneck
- another type of cache - CDN - Content Distribution Network Cache, with Web server sharing Static Content (html,css,js,media files) via DB.
Cache Coherent - When Data gets updated in DB, then cache and DB has different data, data inconsistency . how to handle chche coherency: on Data Write 3 approaches:
- Write Through - update both Chche and DB on single Update Request, but Write Time increases
- Write Around - update only DB not Cache
- Write Back - Only Update Cache not DB.
Cache Eviction Policy :
- First In First Out vs Last in First Out
- Lease Recently Used vs Most Recently Used
- Least Frequently Used or Most Frequently Used
- Random Replacement.
Data Base Partitioning - divid data to multiple DB , can be implemnted at 2 places Application level or DataBase Level
- Application Level Data Base Sharding:
- MemCache DB and
- Redis DB - both are In Memory DB Caching
- Database Level Sharding supported by
- Mongo DB.
- Cassandra
- Apache HBASE
- Hadoop - HDFS DB
Data Base PArtitioning Methods
- Vertical Partitioning - Tweeter (User profile,Tweets, Liked/Favourites, friends are stoded in diff DBs)
- Horizontal Partitioning - Slack , (diff DB store company Starting with A,B ... )
Data Partitioning Criteria
- Algorithmic Sharding - Sharding Function - like Hashing, Consistent Hashing , Used By MemCache.
- Dynamic Sharding - has Global Lookup Table - Mongo DB stores, Config Server to store this information - Hadoor- HDFS uses Name Node to store File System Meta Data.
Proxies - intermediate Server/MAchine act as middlemen between Client and Web
- Farward Proxy - send reqest from user to Web
- Backward Proxy - send responce from servr to web Benefit : REquest Filtering, blocking web sites, Caching frequent downloades into proxy server.hide user identity, track and log user activities.
- does not support websocket?? VPN : virtual Private Networks
- create a tunnel connection from user to VPN gateway to Private SErvers/Company server.
- support HTTP,FTP and Websocket
- encrypt network packet data and request/responce
- simple system - Request responce model - synchronous request responce process.
- in Distributed system - Asynchronous request responce
- use Publisher- subscriber model , use Message Queues - Rabbit MQ - Zero MQ - Kafka MQ
- Event Driven API mechanism, for buy/sell transaction, inventory consistency Microservices Architecture - What are event driven architectures? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ4JFMMbSO8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-Yaq8AHlFA trade off between Consistency , Availibility in presence of Partition in you distributed system.