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Brian Donovan edited this page Aug 24, 2013 · 2 revisions

WikiAPI ReferenceObjectValidator

# validator.validate(object, [attrs...], [callback(err, result)])

Runs validations for the given attrs on object and any attributes that depend on them. By default all attributes are validated. When validation is complete callback will be called with a validation result object with two keys: "valid" and "errors":

  • valid - will be true if no validations failed, false otherwise
  • errors - is an object with keys for all validated attributes whose values are arrays of error messages, empty for all attributes that passed validation

If an exception occurred while validating then the err argument to callback will contain the thrown exception. Otherwise it will be null. If no callback is given a promise will be returned which will resolve to the validation result shown above or, if an exception occurred, will be rejected with the thrown exception.

# validator.attributes()

Returns an array of attribute names used directly or indirectly by this validator. A directly used attribute is one that has at least one validation against it. An indirectly used attribute is one that does not have any validations run against it but another attribute validation depends on its value.

    .when('mobile', (mobile) => mobile)
      .required("Enter a street address!")
// => ["street1", "mobile"]

This method is primarily provided to allow better integration with JavaScript frameworks supporting observers and binding.

# validator.addValidation(attr, fn(value, attr, object), message)

This method is internal.

Registers a validation for attr with a validation function and corresponding error message. fn must be a function that returns either true or false or a promise that resolves to true or false. This function receives as arguments the current value of the attribute on the object, the attribute name being validated, and the object being validated (i.e. the object passed to validator.validate()).

# validator.addDependentsFor(parent, [dependent, …])

This method is internal.

Tells the validator that all the specified dependent attributes should all be re-validated when the parent attribute is validated. This is useful only in conjunction with partial validations (i.e. when specific attributes are passed to validator.validate()).

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