SReachTools is a MATLAB toolbox to tackle various problems in stochastic reachability. Currently, the toolbox can perform verification and (open-loop or affine disturbance-feedback) controller synthesis for linear (time-varying/time-invariant) systems with additive (Gaussian/non-Gaussian) disturbance. By verification, we are referring to the problem of stochastic reachability of a target tube. Our project website is at
This is an area of active research, and this toolbox will attempt to cater certain classes of problems.
We aim to support the following problems:
- Stochastic reachability of a target tube (guaranteeing safety for
stochastic systems to lying in a collection of time-varying safe sets while
satisfying input bounds):
- This problem subsumes existing work on terminal hitting stochastic
reach-avoid problems as well as stochastic viability problems. We
implement a dynamic programming solution, limited to 3-dimensional LTI
systems using
. - Open-loop controller synthesis using
(admissible controller satisfying hard control bounds with maximum safety probability):chance-open
: Chance constraint formulation solved via linear programminggenzps-open
: Fourier transforms-based compuation (Genz's algorithm + patternsearch)particle-open
: Particle control approach (mixed-integer linear program approach)voronoi-open
: Voronoi partition-based undersampled particle control approach (mixed-integer linear program approach)
- Affine controller synthesis using
(admissible controller with chance constrained input bounds with maximum safety probability):chance-affine
: Chance constraint formulation solved via difference-of-convex programming (risk allocation and controller synthesis performed simultaneously)chance-affine-uni
: Chance constraint formulation solved via bisection for uniform risk allocation and second order cone programs for controller synthesis (risk allocation and controller synthesis performed separately)
- Stochastic reach set computation using
(set of initial states from which an admissible controller exists such that the probability of safety is above a given threshold):chance-open
: Chance constraint-based under-approximationgenzps-open
: Fourier transforms-based under-approximationlag-over/lag-under
: Lagrangian methods-based over- and under-approximation
- This problem subsumes existing work on terminal hitting stochastic
reach-avoid problems as well as stochastic viability problems. We
implement a dynamic programming solution, limited to 3-dimensional LTI
systems using
- Forward stochastic reachability using
(characterizing the stochasticity of the state at a future time of interest):state-stoch/concat-stoch
: Stochasticity of the state or the concatenated state vectorstate-prob/concat-prob
: Probability of the state or the concatenated state vector lying in a target set or a tube respectively
Do check our project blog for updates!
For easy start, we have cataloged in our project
webpage a number of relevant,
easy-to-follow examples. These are also part of the repository (see
Further, you can see SReachTools in action at Code Ocean. Check out
We will denote MATLAB's command prompt by >>
, while the system command prompt
by $
External dependencies of SReachTools are:
- MATLAB's Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- MPT3 (
- CVX (
- MATLAB's Global Optimization Toolbox (optional)
- MATLAB's Optimization Toolbox (optional)
- GeoCalcLib ( (optional)
- GUROBI (optional)
- MOSEK (optional)
These dependencies are platform-independent, and have been tested in Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
- MATLAB (>2017a) with MATLAB's Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- MPT3 ( --- for polytopic
computational geometry
- Copy the MATLAB script install_mpt3.m provided by MPT3 from the browser to your local computer.
- Download and install MPT3 by running the following command in
MATLAB's command prompt (after changing
directory to the folder containing
)>> install_mpt3
- Add
cd <PATH-TO-TBXMANAGER>;tbxmanager restorepath
to your MATLABstartup
script for the MPT3 installation to persist across MATLAB runs.
- CVX ( --- for parsing convex
and mixed-integer programs. Use the Standard bundles, including Gurobi
and/or MOSEK, even if you do not plan to use Gurobi or MOSEK. CVX does not
require any additional licenses to work with GUROBI or MOSEK in an academic
- Download the zip file from, and
extract it to the
folder. - Install CVX by running the following command in MATLAB's command prompt
(after changing the current working directory to the
folder)>> cvx_setup
- Add
cd <PATH-TO-CVX>;cvx_setup
to your MATLABstartup
script for the CVX installation to persist across MATLAB runs. - Other notes:
- Detailed installation instructions are given in
- SDPT3 (the default backend solver of CVX) performs reasonably well with CVX, when compared to MOSEK, and significantly poorly when compared to GUROBI in the tested examples and CVX v2.1 version. See Step 5 for instructions in installing external solvers for SReachTools.
- Download the zip file from, and
extract it to the
These dependencies will allow non-essential features of SReachTools or enable superior performance.
- MATLAB's Global Optimization Toolbox and Optimization Toolbox
- Affects
options inSReachPoint
- Affects
- GeoCalcLib --- a MATLAB interface
to Avis's LRS vertex-facet enumeration
library. In empirical tests, we
found LRS to be a superior alternative to MPT's preferred approach for
vertex-facet enumeration,
- Affects
options inSReachSet
computation. - See for detailed installation instructions.
⚠️ GeoCalcLib currently works only in Unix and MAC OS.
- Affects
- External solvers --- GUROBI and/or MOSEK.
- Why do we need to install external solvers?
- Mixed-integer programming enabled by GUROBI or MOSEK is required for
particle-based approaches in
.- Affects
options inSReachPoint
- Affects
- External solvers are typically more numerically robust and
computationally faster than free solvers like SDPT3 that come with
- Affects overall computation speed and solution quality.
- Mixed-integer programming enabled by GUROBI or MOSEK is required for
particle-based approaches in
- GUROBI ( A backend
solver for CVX that also enables mixed-integer programming associated
with particle-based approaches, apart from convex programming. MPT3 +
GUROBI also provides robust polyhedral computation. (:warning: Currently
facing issues).
- GUROBI offers free academic license, which can be requested at
- MPT3 + GUROBI: Requires the external installation.
- Obtain a copy of GUROBI Optimizer from (Requires signing up)
- Unzip the installation to desired folder.
- Generate the license file by running the following command in the
Unix command prompt (after changing the current working directory
to the
- Setup GUROBI by running the following command in MATLAB's command
prompt (after changing the current working directory to
)>> gurobi_setup
- Add
environment variable that has the location of thegurobi.lic
file for MPT3 to detect GUROBI. Alternatively, add the following command instartup.m
>> setenv('GRB_LICENSE_FILE','/home/ubuntu/gurobi.lic')
- Update MPT3 with GUROBI by running the following command in MATLAB's
command prompt
>> mpt_init
- CVX + GUROBI: The current build of CVX v2.2 does not play well
with GUROBI v9.0.2. (:warning: Currently facing issues)
- Previously, CVX v2.1 worked with GUROBI v7.5.2 successfully. We will update these instructions once CVX + GUROBI becomes a viable option again.
- See the following CVX forum posts for more details:
- We found CVX + GUROBI to be faster than SDPT3 and MOSEK
- MOSEK ( A backend
solver for CVX that also enables mixed-integer programming associated
with particle-based approaches, apart from convex programming.
- MOSEK offers free academic license, which can be requested at
- Save the license file obtained via email in your home folder in a
folder named
. See for more details. - To enable MOSEK bundled with CVX, run the following command in
MATLAB command prompt
>> cvx_setup
- See for more details.
- Save the license file obtained via email in your home folder in a
folder named
- MPT3 + MOSEK: Unfortunately, MPT3 does not support MOSEK. See
- In empirical tests, SDPT3 and MOSEK have demonstrated similar performance in computation time and solution quality. We found MOSEK to be slower than GUROBI.
- Why do we need to install external solvers?
- Install the necessary dependencies listed above
- Clone the SReachTools repository (or download the latest zip file from
$ git clone
⚠️ Please do not add the folder to the MATLAB path manually. - Install SReachTools by running the following command in MATLAB command prompt
(after changing the current working directory in MATLAB to
folder)>> srtinit
- (Optional) Additional steps:
- Run
srtinit -t
to run all the unit tests. - Run
srtinit -v
to visualize the steps the changes to the path and check for recommended dependencies. - Run
srtinit -x
to remove functions of SReachTools from MATLAB's path after use.
- Run
- (Optional) Additional steps:
- You can add
to your MATLAB'sstartup.m
to automatically have this done in future.
SReachTools is an open-source MATLAB toolboxes. We welcome feedback, issues, bug-fixes, and other enhancements. Please see our contribution guidelines of this project to know more on how you can help us.
The Stochastic Reachability Toolbox (SReachTools) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this toolbox (see LICENSE). If not, see
It is the user's responsibility in assessing the correctness of the theory and software implementation before putting it to use in their own research or exploiting the results commercially. We are, however, very happy to answer any questions and investigate any bug reports.
This toolbox was developed by Abraham P. Vinod and Joseph D. Gleason, under the supervision of Prof. Meeko Oishi.
If this toolbox comes handy in your research, please consider citing our work. A copy of this paper is available in the repository.
IEEE citation style:
A. P. Vinod, J. D. Gleason, and M. M. K. Oishi. "SReachTools: A MATLAB Stochastic Reachability Toolbox," In Proceedings of the International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Montreal, Canada, April 16--18, 2019.
BibTeX entry for use in LaTeX with \usepackage{url}
author = {Vinod, Abraham P. and Gleason, Joseph D. and Oishi, Meeko M. K.},
title = {{S}{R}each{T}ools: A {MATLAB} {S}tochastic {R}eachability {T}oolbox},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control},
year = {2019},
address = {Montreal, Canada},
month = {April 16--18},
note = {\url{}}
As seen from the installation instructions, this toolbox leverages several existing toolboxes and third-party codes:
- MPT3 developed by M. Herceg, M. Kvasnica, C.N. Jones, and M. Morari, along with their dependencies.
- CVX developed by Michael Grant and Stephen Boyd
- GeoCalcLib developed by Rainer Schaich.
- An algorithm for numerical computation of multivariate normal distribution values developed by Alan Genz (Distributed with SReachTools under its appropriate license).
- allcomb.m developed by Jos van der Geest (Distributed with SReachTools under its appropriate license).
When available, we also use commercial toolboxes from MATLAB and Gurobi.