This repo has tests written for a react Todo which are written in protractor
Please make sure that python is installed and be found in the path .
Install nodejs on the system
Please make sure that bower is installed in the system , this can be installed by
npm install -g bower
Install protractor using
npm install -g protractor
Install the webdriver manager using
webdriver-manager update --standalone
Running the tests
Download the repository on repo
Start the http server using
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
(Or any other HTTP server like apache would do) -
Once the server is started navigate to the react folder using a web browser.
Start the selenium server using
webdriver-manager start
Open spec.js and update the
browser.driver.get('Please update the URL from where the app is accessible');
with the URL where the app is accessible. -
Open a command line interface and run the tests using
protractor conf.js