node.js program to symbolicate KSCrash JSON styled iOS crash reports.
##symbolicate.js The primary symbolication engine. This can be used from other node js programs.
##symbolicate-cli.js The CLI way of symbolication.
Usage: node symbolicate-cli.js --dsym crash.dsym --crash crash.json { --out result.json>}
##On linux By default the system symbols are looked at /opt/xcode. You can change this path in symbolicate.js. Copy XCode/iOS DeviceSupport/* to /opt/xcode on linux
Also you should use a atosl tool from See for setup.
Note that only the following paths are used during symbolication. So to preserve space optionally you can copy only the following
XCode/iOS DeviceSupport/?/Symbols/System/Library/Frameworks
XCode/iOS DeviceSupport/?/Symbols/usr/lib