Snippet-Fu lets you store frequently used snippets of text and copy them quickly to clipboard with just one click. All data is stored offline in your own computer and absolutely nothing is tracked or communicated over the network.
In analytics, development, we often have to repeatedly re-use long or complicated text like command lines, database connection strings etc. Using ad-hoc solutions like text editors or note-taking apps to store these is fidgety and error-prone due to having to select & copy text with risk of accidental overtyping.
Snippet-Fu simplifies this by copying snippets to clipboard by simply clicking on a list. It has a search functionality function to quickly find what you are looking for and lets you title cryptic snippets to make finding them easier. Unlike clipboard managers, it will only keep what you explicitly put into it and won't monitor your clipboard.
The snippets are stored as a plain JSON file in your local data folder. Click the information icon to see the location where the file is stored. Do not save passwords in Snippet-Fu.
Snippet-Fu was originally released as a Chrome app but with sun-setting of the Chrome Apps platform for Windows and Linux, it is released as a stand-alone app based on Electron.
This project is based on Electron with Electron Builder, React and Material Components for Web. It uses Create React App to bootstrap the react components and a modified version of the workflow explained in Kitze's blog to integrate CRA with Electron.
Ensure you have NodeJS and Yarn in your development environment
Clone the repository into a suitable location on the drive
git clone
Install all the development components and libraries through
cd snippetfu yarn
To devlop locally, run the following yarn script
yarn electron-dev
To build the packed application, use the following script which calls
and packs executables for Linux, Mac & Windows. For more command line options, see the documentation forelectron-builder
yarn electron-pack -mwl
- The Linux build is well tested, Windows builds lightly tested & Mac un-tested. Testers wanted!
- Issues & pull requests welcome! Version 2 should make reproducible builds much easier.
- Integrated workflow between Electron & React
- New UI library - official React adapters of Material Components for Web
- Simpler architecture & fewer dependencies - specifically no more use of Redux
- Search functionality