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add: resume template
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srini047 committed Nov 17, 2024
1 parent 0041689 commit f78a6de
Showing 1 changed file with 283 additions and 0 deletions.
283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions src/assets/Sriniketh-Template.latex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
% Resume in Latex
% Author : Abey George
% Based off of:
% License : MIT





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\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.0in, label={}]}


%%%%%% RESUME STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


{\Huge \scshape Sriniketh J} \\ \vspace{1pt}
Salem, Tamilnadu \\ \vspace{1pt}
\small \href{tel:+xxxxxxxxxxxx}{ \raisebox{-0.1\height}\faPhone\ \underline{+91-6385685916} ~} \href{}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faEnvelope\ \underline{}} ~
\href{}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faLinkedinSquare\ \underline{sriniketh-jayasendil}} ~
\href{}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faGithub\ \underline{srini047}} ~
% \href{}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faHackerrank\ \underline{yourid}} ~
% \href{}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faPoll\ \underline{yourid}}

{PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research}{Nov 2020 -- May 2024}
{Electronics and Communication Engineering - \textbf{CGPA} - \textbf{8.57}}{Coimbatore, India}
{Emerald Valley Public School}{2019 -- 2020}
{12th - Computer Science - \textbf{Percentage} - \textbf{93.6\%}}{Salem, India}
{Emerald Valley Public School}{2017 -- 2018}
{10th - \textbf{Percentage} - \textbf{92.6\%}}{Salem, India}


{Sep 2024 -- Present}
{\underline{Software Engineer}}{Bengaluru, India}

{Feb 2024 -- Aug 2024}
{\underline{Member Technical Staff}}{Chennai, India}
\resumeItem{Coherently worked on \textbf{enhancing} the cosine similarity \textbf{compute} for large datasets and achieved \textbf{625x speed up.}}
\resumeItem{Benchmark custom speech enhancement model against \textbf{3rd party client libraries}, and improved the metrics by \textbf{7-8\%}}

{Feb 2023 -- Feb 2024}
{\underline{Software Developer Intern}}{Remote}
\resumeItem{Extensively worked on \textbf{improving} workspace, site, and templates, the \textbf{launch} of v2-Alpha attracting \textbf{800+ users}.}
\resumeItem{Worked on \textbf{Searchbar integration}(Algolia), \textbf{Reduce query} calls significantly(\textbf{Loadash}), develop \textbf{functional} UIs.}



{\href{}{\textbf{\large{\underline{Saliency and Profanity Detection}}} \href{Project Link}{\raisebox{-0.1\height}\faExternalLink }} $|$ \large{{Python, NLP, Gradio, HuggingFace}}}{May 2024}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{A \textbf{Voting Classifier} that normalizes the values obtained from fine-tuned ML models producing best results.}}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{An \textbf{accurate profanity detection} to flag abusive text ans censors it, safe to consume \textbf{all age} groups.}}

{\href{}{\textbf{\large{\underline{Fusion Futurists}}} \href{Project Link}{\raisebox{-0.1\height}\faExternalLink }} $|$ \large{\underline{Python, React, Supabase, Gradio, Cohere}}}{Aug 2023}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{\textbf{Revolutionize} e-commerce with AI-driven \textbf{personalization} for trend-aligned and \textbf{futuristic} experience.}}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{Assist users to buy products \textbf{understanding latest trends} and their buying pattern, and \textbf{improve} revenue.}}

{\href{}{\textbf{\large{\underline{HackProInit}}} \href{Project Link}{\raisebox{-0.1\height}\faExternalLink }} $|$ \large{\underline{React.js, Node.js, CohereAI, Twilio, Ant Design}}}{Feb 2023}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{\textbf{Reduce} the \textbf{friction} of participants' mindset to \textbf{brainstorm} ideas in spite of willingness to \textbf{build projects}.}}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{\textbf{Help} \textbf{builders} to explore ideas on various domains for specific \textbf{ideas}, professional \textbf{titles}, and \textbf{description}.}}

{\href{}{\textbf{\large{\underline{HackTest API}}} \href{Project Link}{\raisebox{-0.1\height}\faExternalLink }} $|$ \large{\underline{ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Postman, APIs}}}{Nov 2022}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{\textbf{Get} details of coding and hackathon platforms and constantly \textbf{updates} new ones and \textbf{removes} expired ones.}}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{All essential \textbf{requirements} of APIs, schema, and request methods were taken into consideration and built.}}

{\href{}{\textbf{\large{\underline{Parking Assistant using OpenCV}}} \href{Project Link}{\raisebox{-0.1\height}\faExternalLink }} $|$ \large{\underline{Python, OpenCV, MaskRCNN, Twilio}}}{Aug 2021}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{\textbf{Reduce} the \textbf{friction} of participants' mindset to \textbf{brainstorm} ideas in spite of willingness to \textbf{build projects}.}}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{\textbf{Help} \textbf{builders} to explore ideas on various domains for specific \textbf{ideas}, professional \textbf{titles}, and \textbf{description}.}}


\resumeSubheading{Google Developer Students Club}{Jul 2022 -- Jun 2023}{\underline{GDSC Lead}}{Coimbatore, India}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{\textbf{Spearheaded} and \textbf{established} on-campus initiative, \textbf{building} a community \textbf{(500+)} for tech enthusiasts.}}
\resumeItem{\normalsize{\textbf{Organized} and \textbf{led} engaging events and workshops focused on \textbf{Google technologies}, empowering fellows.}}

%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{\normalsize{Tools \& Languages:}}{ \normalsize{C/C++, Python, Linux, JavaScript, Java}} \\
% \textbf{\normalsize{Developer Tools:}}{ \normalsize{VS Code, Android Studio, DataGrip, Goland, Intellij Idea Ultimate}} \\
\textbf{\normalsize{Skills/Technologies: }}{\normalsize{PyTorch, Tensorflow, ReactJS, Postman, RAG, LLM, Docker, NodeJS, Git, APIs}} \\

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