Course: Learn PYTHON Programming Language in 12 Days
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Basics - Print Function, Variables and Types, Adding Comments
Challenge 1 - Storing name and favorite number in variables and printing them in a message.
Challenge 2 - input() function to get user input and store them in variables and print them in a message.
Challenge 3 - Data Types The program should calculate sum of these two numbers. either float or integer.
Challenge 4 - Conditionals The program should calculate age and print based on the users age, if user is eligible to vote or not.
Challenge 5 - Even or Odd The program to determine whether the number is odd or even.
Challenge 6 - Loops The program to countdown from given number to zero.
Challenge 7 - Fibonacci Series The program to write the fibonacci series
Challenge 8 - Lists The program to find the value in the list If value is in list, value found. else value is not found.
Challenge 9 - Input Lists The program to have empty list and asks the user to add 3 movies to the list. and print the fav movies from the list.
Challenge 10 - Functions Write a program to create a function that takes list of numbers as arguments, and returns the sum of all numbers in the list. Then script should ask user to input 5 numbers, one at a time, and pass them as a list to the function. call the function with the list as arguments. Print the result.
Challenge 11 - Dictionary Write a program to create a dictionary that stores information about the book. The dictiionary should have the following keys: Title, Author, Year of Publication, Genre, Pages. Values for the keys should be taken from user input. also add a key called 'is_favorite' with boolean value that indicates the book is fav or not.
Challenge 12 - Nested Dictionary Create a function "add_book". The function should take three arguments: existing library dictionary, dictionary representing new book, name of the author of new book The function should add the new book to the correct author in the library dictionary. If the author does not exist in library yet, the function should add them.