This is a simple Bank Management System implemented in C++. The program allows users to perform various operations related to bank accounts such as creating new accounts, viewing customer lists, updating account information, checking account details, making transactions, and removing accounts.
- Create new bank accounts with customer information such as name, ID, address, contact, and cash balance.
- View a list of all customer accounts with their details.
- Update the information of existing bank accounts.
- Search for specific account details using the account ID.
- Perform transactions including depositing and withdrawing cash from customer accounts.
- Remove specific bank accounts or delete all records.
To run this program, you need to have a C++ compiler installed on your system.
Clone the repository or download the source code files.
Open the terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
Compile the source code using the C++ compiler. For example, using g++:
g++ bank.cpp -o bank
Run the compiled executable:
The program will start and display a menu with different options for performing bank operations. Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate and use the system.
Select the desired operation from the menu by entering the corresponding option number.
Follow the prompts to input the necessary information for the selected operation.
The program will execute the chosen operation and provide the relevant output or perform the requested action.
Repeat the process to perform additional operations or exit the program.
You can customize the program by modifying the source code. Some possible customization options include:
- Adding more fields to the customer structure to store additional information.
- Implementing additional functionality such as interest calculations or account types.
- Modifying the user interface or menu options to suit your specific requirements.
This bank management system implementation is based on various programming tutorials and resources available online.