R/modulePreservation.R: 'nPerm' argument may now be set to 0 to calculate
the module preservation statistics across two datasets while skipping
the permutation test procedure. -
src/permutations.cpp: reorganised code to return the observed test
statistics without performing the permutation test procedure when the
'nPerm' argument in modulePreservation() is set to 0. -
src/permutationsNoData.cpp: reorganised code to return the observed test
statistics without performing the permutation test procedure when the
'nPerm' argument in modulePreservation() is set to 0. -
man/modulePreservation.Rd: added description detailing the use case for
'nPerm=0'. -
man/*: minor changes in all man files due to generation with roxygen 6.0.1
instead of roxygen 5.0.1.