Mobile app that keeps track of your clothing and find ideas for new outfit through artificial intelligence. The app will use artificial intelligence to help find match clothes of the user preferences or color palettes, and use a like/dislike system to improve the process in matching clothes.
Follow through the information below to get started!
Flutter: Documentation
Important to use the documentation after installing so you can understand how to write your app! Flutter uses the language Dart, so it important for you to learn Dart before jumping to Flutter. However, if you want to challenge yourself then you can learn the language as you design the app. Installation:
1) Head to the documentation link then click on "Get Started."
2) Select your operating system and view the system requirement.
3) Get the Flutter SDK: Follow the steps on Documentation
4) Run flutter doctor to check on needed dependencies
5) Optional: If you want to run Flutter commands in regular console then add Flutter to PATH environment.
6) Install android studio, required for development for Android.
7) You're set.
Why Flutter: Aside from the blog and this blog, I personally would be delighted to have knowledge on new technologies over existing ones.
Dart: Documentation
This is the language for Flutter. It's similiar to Java and Java-Script.
VS Code: Install
We'll be using VS Code as it supports most tech and languages.
1.) Install VS Code
2.) Click on View > Command Palette. Then type install and seelct Extensions: Install Extensions.
3.) Type flutter in search field, select Flutter and install. Dart will be installed as well.
Git Cheat Sheet
Using github is required, learn the ropes about github by researching or asking me. Also get git for windows or mac.
We'll be using machine learning to detect colors from clothes. Here's a blog explaining. Here's video explaining how ML works. Here' video about ML in Flutter
Used for testing API calls. Here's a blog
AWS: Link
Store user outfits, suggest outfits to other. Also to store and retrieve data.
OAuth: Link
Verifying user crendentials/logins.
- User friendly interface. An example: using a Tinder-style interface: swipe left (dislike), swipe right (like), swipe down (save for later). Users can also post images.
- Contain a login page and menu/account settings.
- Have a tracker leaderboard for clothing:
- Display most/least worn clothes
- Storage for least used and least liked.
- Match clothes based on user preferences, color palettes, and match user.
- Implement proactive outfits based on weekly forecasts.
- An example: if it’s Winter, suggest sweaters. If it’s Summer, suggest tank tops.
- Option to sell garments on eBay.
- Blur users faces in images that are uploaded.