These are now handled by a Google Slides presentation.
Generate an SR sign PDF, with or without an image. The optional image, if used, should be square to prevent distortion. This tool requires inkscape to be installed.
./signgen [-s SIZE] [-i IMAGE] -m MESSAGE -o OUTPUT
-s SIZE where SIZE is 'a4' (only A4 paper is supported, currently).
-i IMAGE where IMAGE is an image file, either absolute, relative to
the current directory or in the images/ directory.
-m MESSAGE where MESSAGE is the message you would like to display.
-o OUTPUT where OUTPUT is the output PDF filname you want.
Generateing a sign, with no image, saying "Toilets":
./signgen -m Toilets -o toilets.pdf
Generating a sign, with an image, saying "This event is being filmed":
./signgen -m "This event is being filmed" -i camera.png -o filming.pdf