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schema updates for keyword URIs in on tei:relation element attributes
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dlschwartz committed Aug 10, 2020
1 parent 09eb79c commit d27f0ad
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Showing 2 changed files with 114 additions and 210 deletions.
188 changes: 39 additions & 149 deletions documentation/SPEARschema/SPEAR.odd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2323,7 +2323,7 @@
<constraintSpec ident="name-mutual-act-pass-in-relation" scheme="schematron">
<constraintSpec ident="ref-mutual-act-pass-in-relation" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listRelation/tei:relation">
<sch:let name="ti"
Expand All @@ -2332,13 +2332,13 @@
value="$ti//listURI[@ref = '']//uri[@ana = 'mutual']"/>
<sch:let name="reciprocal"
value="$ti//listURI[@ref = '']//uri[@ana = 'reciprocal']"/>
<sch:assert test=".[@name = $mutual]/@mutual or .[@name = $reciprocal]/@active"
<sch:assert test=".[@ref = $mutual]/@mutual or .[@ref = $reciprocal]/@active"
>Elements of type &lt;relation&gt; take either a @mutual attribute with mutual
relationship and both @active and @passive attributes with reciprocal
relationships. Mutual relationships include: <sch:value-of
select="string-join($mutual, '; ')"/>. Reciprocal relationships include:
<sch:value-of select="string-join($reciprocal, '; ')"/>.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test=".[@name = $mutual]/@mutual or .[@name = $reciprocal]/@passive"
<sch:assert test=".[@ref = $mutual]/@mutual or .[@ref = $reciprocal]/@passive"
>Elements of type &lt;relation&gt; take either a @mutual attribute with mutual
relationship and both @active and @passive attributes with reciprocal
relationships. Mutual relationships include: <sch:value-of
Expand All @@ -2349,7 +2349,7 @@
<sch:report test=".[@mutual]/@passive">A &lt;relation&gt; element cannot take both
@passive and @mutual attributes.</sch:report>
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listEvent/tei:listRelation/tei:relation">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listEvent/tei:listRelation/tei:relation"><!-- This will need to change once we change the way we link related event factoids -->
<sch:assert test="@mutual">A @mutual attribute is required on &lt;relation&gt;
elements in event factoids.</sch:assert>
<sch:report test="@active">@active attributes are not allowed on &lt;relation&gt;
Expand All @@ -2369,25 +2369,11 @@
<!--<constraintSpec ident="active-or-passsive-relation-sourceDesc" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="//tei:sourceDesc/tei:listRelation/tei:relation">
<sch:let name="docURIno"
value="//tei:publicationStmt/tei:idno[@type='URI']/substring-after(substring-before(., '/tei'), 'spear/')"/>
<sch:assert test="matches(@active, concat('', $docURIno))">
The @active attribute must be "<sch:value-of select="$docURIno"/>".
<attDef ident="name" mode="replace" usage="req">
<datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
<constraintSpec ident="name-in-context" scheme="schematron">
<attDef ident="ref" mode="change" usage="opt">
<constraintSpec ident="ref-in-context" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@name">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@ref">
<sch:let name="ti"
Expand All @@ -2397,7 +2383,7 @@
select="string-join($ti//listURI[@ref = '']//uri, '; ')"
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listEvent/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@name">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listEvent/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@ref">
<sch:let name="ti"
Expand All @@ -2407,11 +2393,20 @@
select="string-join($ti//listURI[@ref = '']/uri, '; ')"
<attDef ident="name" mode="change" usage="opt">
<constraintSpec ident="name-in-relation" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="tei:sourceDesc/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@name">
<sch:assert test=". = 'dcterms:isPartOf'">
This &lt;relation&gt; element must have a @name attribute with a value of "dcterms:isPartOf".
<sch:rule context="tei:text//tei:relation">
<sch:report test="/@name">A @name attribute cannot appear here.</sch:report>
Expand All @@ -2422,151 +2417,46 @@
<constraintSpec ident="type-on-relation" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listEvent/tei:listRelation/tei:relation">
<sch:report test="@type">A &lt;relation&gt; element inside an event factoid
cannot take a @type attribute.</sch:report>
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@type">
<sch:let name="ti"
<sch:let name="qrURI"
value="$ti//listURI[@ref = '']//uri"/>
<sch:let name="error" value="."/>
every $i in (tokenize(., ' '))
satisfies $i = $qrURI"
><sch:value-of select="$error"/> is not is use. The value of this @type attribute must
be one of the following: <sch:value-of select="string-join($qrURI, '; ')"/>.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="@type = 'event'">A &lt;relation&gt; element inside an event factoid
must take a @type attribute with the value "event".</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="tei:sourceDesc/tei:listRelation/tei:relation">
<sch:assert test="@type = 'part'">A @type attribute the value
"part" is required.</sch:assert>
<attDef ident="ana" mode="change" usage="rec">
<!-- I cannot remember why I require this attribute or why I need to indicate that a relationship is an element relationship. -->
<datatype minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
<constraintSpec ident="ana-on-event-relation" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listEvent/tei:listRelation/tei:relation">
<sch:assert test="@ana">A &lt;relation&gt; element inside an event factoid must
have an @ana attribute.</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listEvent/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@ana">
<sch:assert test=". = 'event'">A &lt;relation&gt; element inside an event
factoid must have an @ana attribute with a value of "event".</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listRelation/tei:relation">
<sch:report test="@ana">The @ana attribute cannot appear in a relation factoid.
<sch:report test="@type">The @type attribute cannot appear in a relation factoid.
It may only be used in a &lt;relation&gt; element describing a relationship
between two events. </sch:report>
<attDef ident="mutual" mode="change" usage="opt">
<datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<dataRef key="teidata.pointer"/>
<!--<constraintSpec ident="mutual-on-relation-in-eventFactoid" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@mutual">
test="every $i in (tokenize(., ' ')) satisfies starts-with($i, '')"
>@mutual attributes on &lt;relation&gt; elements of relation factoids must
contain a properly formatted person URI that starts with
test="every $i in (tokenize(., ' ')) satisfies matches(substring-after($i, 'person/'), '\D')"
>This @mutual attribute requires a properly formatted person URI
that cannot end with anything other than a number.</sch:report>
test="every $i in (tokenize(., ' ')) satisfies matches(substring-after($i, 'person/'), '\d')"
>This @mutual attribute requires a properly formatted person URI
ends with a number.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="count(distinct-values(tokenize(., ' '))) = count(tokenize(., ' '))">
The same person URI may not appear twice as the value of the @mutual attribute. </sch:assert>
<!-\- I need to test this further. I'm not certain it's working correctly. -\->
<attDef ident="active" mode="change" usage="opt">
<datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<dataRef key="teidata.pointer"/>
<!--<constraintSpec ident="active-on-relation-in-context" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@active">
test="every $i in (tokenize(., ' ')) satisfies starts-with($i, '')"
>@active attributes on &lt;relation&gt; elements of relation factoids must
contain a properly formatted person URI that starts with
test="every $i in (tokenize(., ' ')) satisfies matches(substring-after($i, 'person/'), '\D')"
>This @active attribute requires a properly formatted person URI
that cannot end with anything other than a number.</sch:report>
test="every $i in (tokenize(., ' ')) satisfies matches(substring-after($i, 'person/'), '\d')"
>This @active attribute requires a properly formatted person URI
ends with a number.</sch:assert>
<!-\- I need to test this further. I'm not certain it's working correctly. -\->
<sch:rule context="//tei:sourceDesc/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@active">
<sch:let name="docURIno"
value="//tei:publicationStmt/tei:idno[@type='URI']/substring-after(substring-before(., '/tei'), 'spear/')"/>
<sch:assert test="matches(., concat('', $docURIno))">
The @active attribute muar be "<sch:value-of select="$docURIno"/>".
<attDef ident="passive" mode="change" usage="opt">
<datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<dataRef key="teidata.pointer"/>
<attDef ident="ana" mode="change" usage="rec">
<datatype minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
<!--<constraintSpec ident="passive-on-relation-in-context" scheme="schematron">
<constraintSpec ident="ana-on-event-relation" scheme="schematron">
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@passive">
test="every $i in (tokenize(., ' ')) satisfies starts-with($i, '')"
>@passive attributes on &lt;relation&gt; elements of relation factoids must
contain a properly formatted person URI that starts with
test="every $i in (tokenize(., ' ')) satisfies matches(substring-after($i, 'person/'), '\D')"
>This @active attribute requires a properly formatted person URI
that cannot end with anything other than a number.</sch:report>
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@ana">
<sch:let name="ti"
<sch:let name="qrURI"
value="$ti//listURI[@ref = '']//uri"/>
<sch:let name="error" value="."/>
test="every $i in (tokenize(., ' ')) satisfies matches(substring-after($i, 'person/'), '\d')"
>This @passive attribute requires a properly formatted person URI
ends with a number.</sch:assert>
<!-\- I need to test this further. I'm not certain it's working correctly. -\->
<sch:rule context="tei:sourceDesc/tei:listRelation/tei:relation">
<sch:assert test="@passive">
This &lt;relation&gt; element must have a @passive attribute.
every $i in (tokenize(., ' '))
satisfies $i = $qrURI"
><sch:value-of select="$error"/> is not is use. The value of this @ana attribute must
be one of the following: <sch:value-of select="string-join($qrURI, '; ')"/>.</sch:assert>
<sch:rule context="//tei:sourceDesc/tei:listRelation/tei:relation/@passive">
<sch:assert test="matches(., concat('', '\d+'))">
This @active attribute must contain a properly formatted work URI ('{\d+}').
<sch:report test="matches(substring-after(., ''), '\D+')">
Report: This @active attribute must contain a properly formatted work URI ('{\d+}').
<sch:rule context="tei:div/tei:listEvent/tei:listRelation/tei:relation">
<sch:report test="@ana">A &lt;relation&gt; element inside an event factoid cannot
have an @ana attribute.</sch:report>
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