Releases: srozum/film_camera_tester
Releases · srozum/film_camera_tester
[2.9.1] - 2023-03-02
[2.9] - 2023-02-11
- Setting option to switch Light Unit between 0EV shift (for new meters) and +1EV shift (for old CdS meters) modes
- Exit from menus by "Stop" button
- Overlap compensation in FP mode reduced to improve accuracy at higher speeds.
- Removed support for Light Unit 1
- Settings values kept in memory instead of reading from EEPROM every time to improve performance
- Encoder sensitivity adjusted for smoother menu navigation
[2.8] - 2022-09-25
- "Exposure Error" mode
- Sensor #6 support for "Exposure Error" mode
- Leaf shutters efficiency interpolation feature removed to free memory space
[2.7] - 2022-09-16
- Efficiency interpolation for leaf shutters of size #00 and #0 in Simple Shutters mode
- "Simple" mode renamed to "Simple Shutters"
- Items order in Modes Menu changed for better usability
- Items order in Settings Menu changed for better usability
- Updated calibration values for EV16 because of flicker presence
[2.6] - 2022-07-16
- Memory usage optimizations
- EV error formatting changed by adding "+"
- Refactored Results methods
- Sensor geometry compensation math improved
[2.4] - 2022-03-28
- "FP Vertical Avg." and "FP Horizontal Avg." modes to take tests series to measure Min/Max/Avg values of a focal plane shutter curtains travel times.
- Logarithmic Speeds Set - for testing electronic cameras controlled by MCU. For example Nikon FE, in fact have speeds as power of 2.
- Memory usage optimizations.
- Added results check to Leaf Efficiency mode
[2.3] - 2022-01-12
Initial Release
Test Modes
- Simple
- Focal Vertical
- Focal Horizizontal
- Average Series
- Flash Sync Simple
- Flash Sync Focal
- Leaf Efficiency
- Speeds Range - lets you select between two sets of standard shutter speeds, depending on what camera you are testing - "New" (with speeds marked as 1/60, 1/125, etc.) or "Old" (with speeds like 1/50, 1/100).
- Test Series - sets the number of how many tests should be taken in average measuring modes before calculating and displaying the summary results.
- Frame Width/Height - sets the target distance used to present curtains travel times. Curtains travel time can be presented as it was measured at a distance between far-most openings of a Sensor, or re-calculated over distance whichever is specified in service manual for a tested camera.
- Sound On/Off - enables or disables buzzer sounds.