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Possible contributions

Andre Puschmann edited this page Oct 8, 2020 · 6 revisions

Interested in contributing to srsLTE but don't know where to start? This page lists key areas of interest and potential topics for contributions.

This list is not comprehensive and, of course, we are always willing to consider contributions that are not mentioned here. For guidance, feel free to reach out on the srsLTE-users mailing list or directly to the project maintainers.


The main srsLTE repository is hosted here. Typically all pull-requests should be made against the master branch of that repository.

In the month of a new public release (April and October), we will push an additional branch to the public repo called next. In order to simplify the integration, we encourage contributors to submit pull-requests against this branch, that soon will become the next official srsLTE release.

The srsLTE documentation is hosted here. All contributions shall be made against the master branch.

Documentation contributions:

We are happy to review all kinds of additions/corrections/clarifications/simplifications/extensions to the documentation. We are also happy to include new application notes on topics that are currently not covered.

Potential topics of interest include:

  • Use of srsLTE in combination with other open-source projects/components, like open5gs for example.
  • Documentation of more complex deployment scenarios (e.g. VoLTE).

Code contributions:

There are a couple of nice-to-have features for srsLTE that are on our todo list but with fairly low priority at the moment. It would be great to receive help on those. The list below does not include a full problem description with specific tasks. Please get in touch with us if you'd like to receive further information on a specific topic.

Perhaps even more welcome than new features are bug-fixes in our existing code base. Static code analysis tools such as LGTM and Coverity provide very good indication for potential issues.

Features and performance enhancements:

  • Fix compilation and test device support for UHD 4.0
  • Refactor MAC PCAP writing in low-priority background thread
  • Radio HW simulator for ZMQ to simulate impairments such as SFO, CFO, amplifier non-linearities, etc.

General bug-fixing:

  • Fix outstanding code issue identified by:
    • LGTM, for srsLTE 20.10, we use PR #559 to track LGTM code review
    • Coverity (for which a registraion is needed), for srsLTE 20.10, we use this project repo for code review

CI/CD integration