This is a debug module for You can test it with the contained main.js in a clean or including it in the own branch.
Use it in you project with:
let Profiler = require('Profiler');
let Logger = require('Logger');
Contribute by adding code to support more classes and function. You also can add own functions to the logger and profiler with:
Profiler._.wrap('className', class, 'method');
Logger._.wrap('className', class, 'method');
- CPU costs of report() is currently at 5.
- CPU costs of initialization (method wrapping) is currently <1.
- Activate it when measurements should be done with Debug.ACTIVE = true|false;
To only debug own defined methods add the following to Profiler.init() - similar to Logger.
Logger._.wrap(Room, 'lookAt');
Profiler._.wrap(Room, 'lookAt');
Profiler._.wrap(Room, 'lookFor');
Profiler._.wrap(Room, 'lookForAt');
Profiler._.wrap(Room, 'lookForAtArea');
Profiler._.wrap(Room, 'find');
Profiler._.wrap(Room, 'findPath');
Profiler._.wrap(RoomPosition, 'isNearTo');
Profiler._.wrap(RoomPosition, 'findPathTo');
Profiler._.wrap(RoomPosition, 'isEqualTo');
Profiler._.wrap(RoomPosition, 'findClosestByPath');
Profiler._.wrap(RoomPosition, 'findClosestByDistance');
Profiler._.wrap(Creep, 'moveByPath');
Profiler._.wrap(Creep, 'moveTo');
Profiler._.wrap(Creep, 'movePredefined');
Profiler._.wrap(Creep, 'pickup');
Profiler._.wrap(Creep, 'build');
Profiler._.wrap(Creep, 'repair');
Profiler._.wrap(Creep, 'harvest');
Profiler._.wrap(Creep, 'upgradeController');
Profiler._.wrap(Spawn, 'createCreep');
Profiler._.wrap(Spawn, 'spawn');