Aaron Williams
data equity + viz + analysis ✊🏿 senior viz engineer @Netflix ✊🏿 past: data reporter @washingtonpost ⚡advisory board @OpenNews
Netflix Los Angeles
Amelia Wattenberger
Living at the intersection of web dev, design, & data visualization. Principal Research Engineer @ GitHub
Oakland, CA
Gregor Aisch
Senior visual data journalist @ZeitOnline, Co-founder @datawrapper, proud @nytgraphics alumni. most of my old repos live at @vis4 now
@zeitOnline Berlin
Derek Willis
I teach data journalism at the University of Maryland and am co-founder of @openelections. I enjoy cricket, scraping and other things people enjoy.
Dan Nguyen
My name is Dan Nguyen and you can find me on Github as dannguyen & @DANcow on Twitter. My interests are investigative journalism, data wrangling, and naming thi
data scientist wrangler/engineer Chicago