List of top 100 C# .Net interview questions and answers are coming soon with code demonstration
- What are delegates and why we use them?
- Explain the working of delegates and events.
- What is CTS(Common Type Specification)
- What is CLR?
- Explain the working of .net run time environment
- Explain the internal working of garbage collection
- Explain generics, how did you use this and what type of problem it solves
- What is IAM in azure/AWS
- what are azure durable functions?
- How do you do joins in LINQ?
- How to you make rest call how does it differ from WCF
- Clustered index vs non clustered index
- Function vs stored proc
- what is SOLID principle. how do you extend a class without inheritance
- Explain dependency injection.
- How do you make relations in entity framework using DB first and Code first approach?
- What is new keyword?
- What is JIT?
- FromURI vs FromBody .net core difference?
- What is CLS?
- How do you ensure a solution is a clould ready solution?