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Convert CSV files to Avro like a boss.



$ gem install csv2avro

or if you prefer to live on the edge, just clone this repository and build it from scratch.



$ csv2avro --schema ./spec/support/schema.avsc ./spec/support/data.csv

This will process the data.csv file and creates a data.avro file and a data.bad file with a report of the bad rows.

You can override the bad rows report file location with the --bad-rows [BAD_ROWS] option.


$ cat ./spec/support/data.csv | csv2avro --schema ./spec/support/schema.avsc --bad-rows ./spec/support/data.bad > ./spec/support/data.avro

This will process the input stream and push the avro data to the output stream. If you're working with streams you will need to specify the --bad-rows location.

Advanced features

AWS S3 storage

aws s3 cp s3://csv-bucket/transactions.csv - | csv2avro --schema ./transactions.avsc --bad-rows ./transactions.bad | aws s3 cp - s3://avro-bucket/transactions.avro

This will stream your file stored in AWS S3, converts the data and pushes it back to S3. For more information, please check the AWS CLI documentation.

Convert compressed files

gunzip -c ./spec/support/data.csv.gz | csv2avro --schema ./spec/support/schema.avsc --bad-rows ./spec/support/data.bad > ./spec/support/data.avro

This will uncompress the file and converts it to avro, leaving the original file intact.


For a full list of available options, run csv2avro --help

$ csv2avro --help
Version 1.3.0 of CSV2Avro
Usage: csv2avro [options] [file]
    -s, --schema SCHEMA              A file containing the Avro schema. This value is required.
    -b, --bad-rows [BAD_ROWS]        The output location of the bad rows report file.
    -d, --delimiter [DELIMITER]      Field delimiter. If none specified, then comma is used as the delimiter.
    -l, --line-ending [LINE_ENDING]  Line ending character used as row separator in CSV parsing
    -a [ARRAY_DELIMITER],            Array field delimiter. If none specified, then comma is used as the delimiter.
    -D, --write-defaults             Write default values.
    -c, --stdout                     Output will go to the standard output stream, leaving files intact.
    -h, --help                       Prints help


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