A C# Library for using Faceit.com's Data API v4 Nuget.
Frequently, endpoints will just return a 503 response. Its important to check for your object either being null after each call, or checking the object's status. To do the latter, check the "Check HTTP Status" section under Usage
(While there are many endpoints, I will not showcase them all here. The ones shown here are just for example purposes)
using FaceitLib;
var faceit = new FaceitClient("yourAPItokenhere");
var results = await faceit.GetTournamentDetails("tournament_id");
return results.CompetitionID;
var status = faceit.GetStatusCode()
// Will return a HttpStatusCode object
using FaceitLib;
using FaceitLib.Constants
var faceit = new FaceitClient("yourAPItokenhere");
var results = await faceit.GetGameRanking("game", FaceitLib.Constants.Regions.UnitedStates);