DSVerifier is a verification tool for digital systems. In particular, DSVerifier employs bounded model checking (BMC) techniques based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) and boolean satisfiability (SAT), which allows engineers to verify the occurrence of design errors, due to the finite word-length (FWL) effects employed in fixed-point digital filters and controllers.
Supported properties:
- Overflow
- Limit Cycle
- Timing
- Error
- Stability
- Minimum Phase
- Settling time
- Overshoot
- Stability
- Limit Cycle
- Quantization Error
- Settling time
- Overshoot
(1) Before using DSVerifier, we need to configure an environment variable called DSVERIFIER_HOME. You should add it to your .bashrc file as follows:
export DSVERIFIER_HOME='path to dsverifier folder'
After that, you should save it and use the following command:
$ source .bashrc
(2) You should download the (desired) version of CBMC or ESBMC executables for DSVerifier. This package contains CBMC v5.6 and ESBMC v4.0. Please, add them to $DSVERIFIER_HOME/model-checker
CBMC and ESBMC recommended versions for DSVerifier v2.0.3 are:
- CBMC v5.6: http://www.cprover.org/cbmc/download/cbmc-5-6-linux-64.tgz
- ESBMC v4.1.0: http://esbmc.org/binaries/esbmc-v4.1.0-linux-static-64.tgz
(3) You need to install the Eigen library (e.g., eigen3, eigen3-static, and eigen3-devel depending on your distribution).
(4) Make sure that you have installed GCC version 5.4 (or higher).
It is necessary to generate a verification file using the following format:
#include <dsverifier.h>
digital_system ds = {
.a = { 1.0, 1.068, 0.1239 },
.a_size = 3,
.b = { 2.813, -0.0163, -1.872 },
.b_size = 3
implementation impl = {
.int_bits = 4,
.frac_bits = 10,
.min = -5.0,
.max = 5.0
./dsverifier ds.c --realization <r> --property <j> --x-size <k>
where ds.c is the digital-system specification file, r is the chosen realization, j is the property to be verified, and k is the verification bound.
- Realizations: DFI, DFII, TDFII, DDFI, DDFII, and TDDFII.
It is necessary to generate a verification file using the following format:
#include <dsverifier.h>
digital_system plant = {
.b = { 0.00018604, 0.000172886972 },
.b_uncertainty = { 5, 5 },
.b_size = 2,
.a = { 1.0,-1.7989, 0.80248974 },
.a_uncertainty = { 5, 5, 5 },
.a_size = 3
digital_system controller = {
.b = { 1.422, -1.1360358, -1.41689538972, 1.14114041028 },
.b_size = 4,
.a = { 1.0, -1.0307, -0.861428, 0.892128 },
.a_size = 4
implementation impl = {
.int_bits = 16,
.frac_bits = 12,
.min = -1.0,
.max = 1.0,
.max_error = 5
./dsverifier <file> --connection-mode <cm> --property <j>
--realization <r> --x-size <k> --bmc CBMC
where file is the digital-system specification file, cm is the chosen connection-mode, j is the property to be verified, r is the desired realization, and k is the verification bound.
Connection mode: SERIES and FEEDBACK
Realizations: DFI, DFII, and TDFII.
To use DSVerifier GUI, it is necessary to have at least Java Runtime Environment Version 8.0 Update 40 (jre1.8.0_40)
java -jar dsverifier-gui.jar