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Pix2Pix and CycleGAN

A lightweight implementation of Pix2Pix and CycleGAN training and inference pipeline.


All architectures are implemented for PyTorch framework.


The dataset consists of 256x512 images. Every image is a side by side concatenation of buildings facades segmentation map and buildings facades photos.

See the example below:

Dataset Image Example

The code reads the image (using OpenCV) and crops it in halfs. The implementation is available under dataset folder.


The Pix2Pix GAN architecture consists of a generator and a discriminator models. Both generator and discriminator use modules of the form Convolution->BatchNorm->ReLu.

Pix2Pix Architecture

  • A U-Net model architecture is used for the generator, instead of the common encoder-decoder architecture. The U-Net model is quite similar to encoder-decoder as it also involves downsampling to a bottleneck and upsampling again to an output image. The difference comes from skip-connections - links between layers of the same size in the encoder and the decoder allowing to be circumvent the bottleneck.
  • Discriminator is implemented as PatchGAN architecture. This is a deep convolutional neural network designed to classify patches of an input image as real or fake, rather than the entire image.

The diagram below shows comparison of encoder-decoder to u-net used in the generator of Pix2Pix.

Encoder-Decoder vs. U-Net


Training script is available in pix2pix.ipynb


Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Unlike other GANs, CycleGAN comes really handy when you don't have a pairing images set. For example, when converting horses to zebras you usually don't have zebra images in the same surrounding and/or in similar poses.

The typical CycleGAN architecture includes 2 generators and 2 discriminators that work in sync to map images from the source domain to the target domain and vice versa using the same model. Typical CycleGAN architecture looks similar to the diagram below:

CycleGAN Architecture

  • A generator is an autoencoder that takes an input image, extracts features from it, and generates another image. The generator network consists of three main stages: convolutional block, residual block, and transposed convolutional block. The encoder output passes through the transformer stage which mainly consists of 6 to 9 residual blocks.
  • A discriminator is a typical CNN that includes multiple convolutional layers. This network takes an input image and classifies it as real or fake. The CycleGAN discriminator is different from that used in the regular GAN: it maps from the 256x256 image to an NxN array of outputs X. In that array, each element signifies whether a patch in the image is real or fake.


Training script is available at cyclegan.ipynb


Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


The detailed comparison available at comparison.ipynb. The notebook offers side-by-side images comparison obtained from Pix2Pix and CycleGAN, including a few custom segmentation maps.

Custom segmentation maps

The custom segmentation maps set is rather small and was created for fun. The set includes 4 images: small house, big building, theatre, and a shop.

The results are given in the next ordering:

  1. custom facades segmentation,
  2. pix2pix generations,
  3. cyclegan generations.
Small house Big building Theatre Shop
Small house Big building Theatre Shop
Small house Big building Theatre Shop
Small house Big building Theatre Shop