The intent of this project is to provide a validation tool that also follows the official STAC Best Practices document
$ pip install stac-check
or for local development
$ pip install -e '.[dev]'
Usage: stac-check [OPTIONS] FILE
--version Show the version and exit.
-l, --links Validate links for format and response.
-a, --assets Validate assets for format and response.
-m, --max-depth INTEGER Maximum depth to traverse when recursing. Omit this
argument to get full recursion. Ignored if
`recursive == False`.
-r, --recursive Recursively validate all related stac objects.
--no-assets-urls Disables the opening of href links when validating assets
(enabled by default).
--header KEY VALUE HTTP header to include in the requests. Can be used
multiple times.
--help Show this message and exit. Show this message and exit.
$ make build
$ make shell
from stac_check.lint import Linter
linter = Linter('<json_path>')
for k, v in linter.create_best_practices_dict().items():
print(k, ":", v)
stac-check --recursive
____ ____ __ ___ ___ _ _ ____ ___ __ _
/ ___)(_ _)/ _\ / __)___ / __)/ )( \( __)/ __)( / )
\___ \ )( / \( (__(___)( (__ ) __ ( ) _)( (__ ) (
(____/ (__)\_/\_/ \___) \___)\_)(_/(____)\___)(__\_)
stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool
Please upgrade from version 0.9.0 to version 1.1.0!
Validator: stac-validator 3.5.0
Recursive: Validate all assets in a collection or catalog
Max-depth = None
Asset 1 Validated:
Schemas validated:
STAC Best Practices:
Object should be called 'collection.json' not 'landsat-collection.json'
A STAC collection should contain a summaries field
It is recommended to store information like eo:bands in summaries
Links in catalogs and collections should always have a 'title' field
This object has 4 links
Asset 2 Validated:
Valid: False
Schemas validated:
Error Type: JSONDecodeError
Error Message: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
stac-check sample_files/0.9.0/landsat8-sample.json
stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool Please upgrade from version 0.9.0 to version 1.1.0! Validator: stac-validator 3.5.0 Valid ITEM: True Schemas validated: STAC Best Practices: Item name 'LC81530252014153LGN00' should only contain Searchable identifiers Identifiers should consist of only lowercase characters, numbers, '_', and '-' Item file names should match their ids: 'landsat8-sample' not equal to 'LC81530252014153LGN00 A link to 'self' in links is strongly recommended This object has 4 links
stac-check sample_files/1.0.0/core-item.json --assets
stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool Please upgrade from version 1.0.0 to version 1.1.0! Validator: stac-validator 3.5.0 Valid ITEM: True Schemas validated: STAC Best Practices: Item name '20201211_223832_CS2' should only contain Searchable identifiers Identifiers should consist of only lowercase characters, numbers, '_', and '-' Item file names should match their ids: 'core-item' not equal to '20201211_223832_CS2 Please avoid setting the datetime field to null, many clients search on this field A link to 'self' in links is strongly recommended No ASSET format errors! ASSET request errors: This object has 4 links
stac-check sample_files/1.0.0/core-item-bad-links.json --links --assets
stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool Please upgrade from version 1.0.0 to version 1.1.0! Validator: stac-validator 3.5.0 Valid ITEM: True Schemas validated: STAC Best Practices: Item name '20201211_223832_CS2' should only contain Searchable identifiers Identifiers should consist of only lowercase characters, numbers, '_', and '-' Item file names should match their ids: 'core-item-bad-links' not equal to '20201211_223832_CS2 Please avoid setting the datetime field to null, many clients search on this field A link to 'self' in links is strongly recommended ASSET format errors: https:/ ASSET request errors: https:/ LINK format errors: http:/ LINK request errors: http://catalog/collection.json http:/ This object has 4 links
stac-check sample_files/0.9.0/bad-item.json
stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool Please upgrade from version 0.9.0 to version 1.1.0! Validator: stac-validator 3.5.0 Valid : False Schemas validated: STAC Best Practices: A link to 'self' in links is strongly recommended Validation error type: ValidationError Validation error message: 'id' is a required property of the root of the STAC object This object has 5 links
stac-check --assets --no-assets-urls --header x-api-key $MY_API_KEY --header foo bar
stac-check: STAC spec validation and linting tool Please upgrade from version 1.0.0 to version 1.1.0! Validator: stac-validator 3.5.0 Valid ITEM: True Schemas validated: STAC Best Practices: A STAC collection should contain a summaries field It is recommended to store information like eo:bands in summaries No ASSET format errors! This object has 4 links
$ pdoc --output-dir pdoc ./stac_check