This repo serves as the backend for a simple interactive map based on St. Louis Zoo. Site visitors can click on map zones to view information about that zone's exhibits and attractions.
Frontend Repo (Readme contains screenshots)
This app uses a Rails API backend with HTML, CSS and object-oriented JavaScript on the frontend. Images are stored with Cloudinary and attached to database records via Active Storage.
Zoo data is based on information available on the St. Louis Zoo website.
The map SVG was developed using data made available through © OpenStreetMap contributors.
Photos are public domain images from Unsplash and Pexels.
As the frontend map uses data provided via OpenStreetMap, any use or adaption of the map SVG in the frontend repo must comply with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license (CC BY-SA 2.0). This app is just intended as a demo and learning experience, not to be set up as a live review site of the St. Louis Zoo.