A powerful, fully-typed collections library for TypeScript, combining Laravel's collection elegance with advanced data processing capabilities. Features a fluent API, lazy evaluation, statistical analysis, machine learning operations, and comprehensive data manipulation toolsβall with zero dependencies.
- Lightweight & Dependency-free
- Type safe
- Laravel-inspired APIs
- Standard operations (map, filter, reduce)
- FlatMap and MapSpread operations (flatMap, mapSpread)
- Element access (first, firstOrFail, last, nth)
- Subset operations (take, skip, slice)
- Unique value handling (unique)
- Chunk operations (chunk)
- Tap and Pipe utilities (tap, pipe)
- Collection conversion (toArray, toMap, toSet)
- Collection inspection (count, isEmpty, isNotEmpty)
- Combine and collapse operations (combine, collapse)
- Contains checks (contains, containsOneItem)
- Each iterations (each, eachSpread)
- Only and except operations (only, except)
- Forget and random selection (forget, random)
- Push, prepend, and put operations (push, prepend, put)
- Skip and take variants (skipUntil, skipWhile, takeUntil, takeWhile)
- Sole item retrieval (sole)
- Conditional execution (when, unless)
- Wrap and unwrap operations (wrap, unwrap)
- GroupBy with multiple key support (groupBy, groupByMultiple)
- Value extraction (pluck)
- Where clause variations
- Basic where operations (where, whereIn, whereNotIn)
- Range checks (whereBetween, whereNotBetween)
- Null handling (whereNull, whereNotNull)
- Pattern matching (whereLike, whereRegex)
- Type checks (whereInstanceOf)
- Comprehensive sorting
- Basic sort operations (sort)
- Key-based sorting (sortBy, sortByDesc)
- Key sorting (sortKeys, sortKeysDesc)
- Pagination & Cursor iteration
- Data partitioning
- Set operations (union, intersect, diff, symmetricDiff)
- Advanced products (cartesianProduct)
- Recursive operations (mergeRecursive, replaceRecursive)
- Group transformations (mapToGroups)
- Array handling (mapSpread, mapWithKeys)
- Conditional mapping (mapUntil, mapOption)
- Data restructuring (transform)
- Type system integration (cast, mapInto)
- Property operations (pick, omit)
- Fuzzy matching algorithms
- Key-value transformations (flip, undot)
- Basic statistics
- Advanced statistics
- Series conversion and formatting
- Moving average calculations
- Trend detection and analysis
- Seasonality identification
- Time-based forecasting
- Temporal grouping operations
- Time-based aggregations
- Interval handling
- Clustering algorithms
- Regression analysis
- Classification tools
- Anomaly detection systems
- Data preparation
- Asynchronous operations
- Parallel processing capabilities
- Batch processing systems
- Lazy evaluation strategies
- Caching mechanisms
- Performance tools
- Validation framework
- Data sanitization tools
- Quality metrics
- Constraint management
- Error handling
- Type enforcement
- String manipulation
- URL slug generation
- Text analysis
- Pattern matching
- String normalization
- Multiple format support
- Query generation
- Integration formats
- Custom formatting options
- Stream operations
- Batch streaming
- Memory-efficient processing
- Buffered operations
- Signal processing
- Calculus operations
- Numerical methods
- Mathematical optimizations
- Geographic calculations
- Financial operations
- DateTime operations
- Complex number support
- Basic operations
- Advanced computations
- Version management
- Change tracking
- History operations
- Rollback support
- Version comparison
- Development aids
- Analysis tools
- Development modes
- Debug mode
- Strict mode
- System configuration
- Configuration management
- Environment handling
- Internationalization
- Error handling
- Error modes
- Exception handling
- Resource management
- Memory tracking
- Resource cleanup
Please note, all of these methods may be chained to fluently manipulate the underlying data:
bun install ts-collect
import { collect } from 'ts-collect'
// Create a collection
const collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
// Basic operations with chaining
const result = collection
.map(n => n * 2) // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
.filter(n => n > 5) // [6, 8, 10]
.take(2) // [6, 8]
// Unique values with custom key
const users = collect([
{ id: 1, role: 'admin' },
{ id: 2, role: 'user' },
{ id: 3, role: 'admin' }
const uniqueRoles = users.unique('role') // [{ id: 1, role: 'admin' }, { id: 2, role: 'user' }]
// Chunk data into smaller arrays
const chunks = collection.chunk(2) // [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
// Find elements
const first = collection.first() // 1
const last = collection.last() // 5
const secondItem = collection.nth(1) // 2
// all() - Get all items as array
const items = collection.all() // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// average/avg - Calculate average of items
collection.average() // 3
collection.avg() // 3
// chunk - Split collection into smaller collections
collection.chunk(2) // [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
// collapse - Flatten a collection of arrays
const nested = collect([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]])
nested.collapse() // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// combine - Create collection by combining arrays
const keys = collect(['name', 'age'])
const values = ['John', 25]
keys.combine(values) // { name: 'John', age: 25 }
// contains/containsOneItem - Check for item existence
collection.contains(3) // true
collection.containsOneItem() // false
// countBy - Count occurrences by value
const items = collect(['apple', 'banana', 'apple', 'orange'])
items.countBy() // Map { 'apple' => 2, 'banana' => 1, 'orange' => 1 }
// diff/diffAssoc/diffKeys - Find differences between collections
const col1 = collect([1, 2, 3])
const col2 = collect([2, 3, 4])
col1.diff(col2) // [1]
// dd/dump - Dump collection and die or just dump
collection.dump() // Console logs items
collection.dd() // Console logs and exits
// each/eachSpread - Iterate over items
collection.each(item => console.log(item))
collection.eachSpread((a, b) => console.log(a, b)) // For array items
// except/only - Get all items except/only specified keys
const user = collect({ id: 1, name: 'John', age: 25 })
user.except('age') // { id: 1, name: 'John' }
user.only('name', 'age') // { name: 'John', age: 25 }
// firstOrFail - Get first item or throw
collection.firstOrFail() // 1 or throws if empty
// firstWhere - Get first item matching criteria
const users = collect([
{ id: 1, name: 'John' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Jane' }
users.firstWhere('name', 'Jane') // { id: 2, name: 'Jane' }
// flip - Swap keys and values
const flipped = collect({ name: 'John' }).flip() // { John: 'name' }
// forget - Remove an item by key
const array = collect(['a', 'b', 'c'])
array.forget(1) // ['a', 'c']
// has/get - Check key existence / Get value
const item = collect({ name: 'John' })
item.has('name') // true
item.get('name') // 'John'
// mapInto - Map items into new class instances
class User {
name: string = ''
greet() { return `Hello ${this.name}` }
collect([{ name: 'John' }])
.greet() // "Hello John"
// prepend/push/put - Add items
collection.prepend(0) // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
collection.push(6) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
collection.put('key', 'value') // Adds/updates key-value
// random - Get random item(s)
collection.random() // Random item
collection.random(2) // Array of 2 random items
// skip/skipUntil/skipWhile - Skip items
collection.skip(2) // [3, 4, 5]
collection.skipUntil(3) // [3, 4, 5]
collection.skipWhile(n => n < 3) // [3, 4, 5]
// sole - Get only item in single-item collection
collect([1]).sole() // 1 (throws if not exactly one item)
// take/takeUntil/takeWhile - Take items
collection.take(2) // [1, 2]
collection.takeUntil(3) // [1, 2]
collection.takeWhile(n => n < 3) // [1, 2]
// when/unless - Conditional execution
.when(true, col => col.take(3))
.unless(false, col => col.take(2))
// wrap/unwrap - Wrap/unwrap value in collection
collect().wrap([1, 2, 3]) // Collection([1, 2, 3])
collection.unwrap() // [1, 2, 3]
interface User {
id: number
name: string
role: string
const users: User[] = [
{ id: 1, name: 'John', role: 'admin' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Jane', role: 'user' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Bob', role: 'user' }
const collection = collect(users)
// Group by a key
const byRole = collection.groupBy('role')
// Map { 'admin' => [{ id: 1, ... }], 'user' => [{ id: 2, ... }, { id: 3, ... }] }
// Pluck specific values
const names = collection.pluck('name')
// ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob']
// Find where
const admins = collection.where('role', 'admin')
// [{ id: 1, name: 'John', role: 'admin' }]
interface User {
id: number
name: string
role: string
department: string
salary: number
joinedAt: Date
const users: User[] = [
id: 1,
name: 'John',
role: 'admin',
department: 'IT',
salary: 80000,
joinedAt: new Date('2023-01-15')
id: 2,
name: 'Jane',
role: 'manager',
department: 'Sales',
salary: 90000,
joinedAt: new Date('2023-03-20')
id: 3,
name: 'Bob',
role: 'developer',
department: 'IT',
salary: 75000,
joinedAt: new Date('2023-06-10')
const collection = collect(users)
// Complex grouping by multiple fields
const groupedUsers = collection.groupByMultiple('department', 'role')
// Map {
// 'IT::admin' => [{ id: 1, ... }],
// 'Sales::manager' => [{ id: 2, ... }],
// 'IT::developer' => [{ id: 3, ... }]
// }
// Advanced filtering combinations
const seniorITStaff = collection
.where('department', 'IT')
.filter((user) => {
const monthsEmployed = (new Date().getTime() - user.joinedAt.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)
return monthsEmployed > 6
.whereBetween('salary', 70000, 85000)
// Sort by multiple fields
const sorted = collection
.sortBy('salary', 'desc')
// Transform data structure
const transformed = collection.transform<{ fullName: string, info: string }>({
fullName: user => user.name,
info: user => `${user.role} in ${user.department}`
// Pagination
const page = collection.paginate(2, 1) // 2 items per page, first page
// {
// data: [...],
// total: 3,
// perPage: 2,
// currentPage: 1,
// lastPage: 2,
// hasMorePages: true
// }
interface Product {
id: number
name: string
description: string
price: number
categories: string[]
inStock: boolean
const products = collect<Product>([
id: 1,
name: 'Premium Laptop',
description: 'High-performance laptop with 16GB RAM',
price: 1299.99,
categories: ['electronics', 'computers'],
inStock: true
// ... more products
// Fuzzy search
const searchResults = products.fuzzyMatch('name', 'laptop', 0.8)
// Regular expression matching
const matched = products.whereRegex('description', /\d+GB/)
// Complex conditional filtering
const filtered = products
.when(true, collection =>
collection.filter(p => p.price > 1000))
.unless(false, collection =>
collection.filter(p => p.inStock))
// Pattern matching with whereLike
const pattern = products.whereLike('name', '%Laptop%')
const numbers = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
numbers.sum() // 21
numbers.avg() // 3.5
numbers.median() // 3.5
numbers.min() // 1
numbers.max() // 6
numbers.standardDeviation() // { population: 1.707825127659933, sample: 1.8708286933869707 }
const timeData = [
{ date: '2024-01-01', value: 100 },
{ date: '2024-01-02', value: 150 },
{ date: '2024-01-03', value: 120 }
const series = collect(timeData).timeSeries({
dateField: 'date',
valueField: 'value',
interval: 'day'
// Calculate moving average
const movingAvg = series.movingAverage({ window: 2 })
const huge = collect(Array.from({ length: 1000000 }, (_, i) => i))
// Operations are deferred until needed
const result = huge
.filter(n => n % 2 === 0)
.map(n => n * 2)
// Process large datasets in batches
const largeDataset = collect(Array.from({ length: 10000 }, (_, i) => ({
id: i,
data: `Data ${i}`
// Parallel processing with batches
await largeDataset.parallel(
async (batch) => {
const processed = await processItems(batch)
return processed
{ chunks: 4, maxConcurrency: 2 }
// Async mapping
const asyncMapped = await largeDataset
.mapAsync(async (item) => {
const result = await fetchDataForItem(item)
return { ...item, ...result }
// Batch processing with cursor
for await (const batch of largeDataset.cursor(100)) {
await processBatch(batch)
interface UserData {
email: string
age: number
username: string
const userData = collect<UserData>([
{ email: 'john@example.com', age: 25, username: 'john_doe' },
{ email: 'invalid-email', age: -5, username: 'admin' }
// Validate data
const validationResult = await userData.validate({
email: [
email => /^[^@]+@[^@][^.@]*\.[^@]+$/.test(email),
email => email.length <= 255
age: [
age => age >= 0,
age => age <= 120
username: [
username => username.length >= 3,
username => /^\w+$/.test(username)
// Sanitize data
const sanitized = userData.sanitize({
email: email => email.toLowerCase().trim(),
age: age => Math.max(0, Math.min(120, age)),
username: username => username.toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, '')
interface SalesData {
product: string
revenue: number
cost: number
date: string
region: string
const sales: SalesData[] = [
{ product: 'A', revenue: 100, cost: 50, date: '2024-01-01', region: 'North' },
{ product: 'B', revenue: 200, cost: 80, date: '2024-01-01', region: 'South' },
{ product: 'A', revenue: 150, cost: 60, date: '2024-01-02', region: 'North' },
{ product: 'B', revenue: 180, cost: 75, date: '2024-01-02', region: 'South' },
const salesCollection = collect(sales)
// Advanced statistical analysis
const stats = salesCollection
.describe('revenue') // Get statistical summary
.pipe(numbers => ({
sum: numbers.sum(),
average: numbers.avg(),
median: numbers.median(),
stdDev: numbers.standardDeviation(),
variance: numbers.variance()
// Pivot table analysis
const pivotData = salesCollection.pivotTable(
'product', // rows
'region', // columns
'revenue', // values
'sum' // aggregation method
// Time series analysis with moving averages
const timeSeries = salesCollection
dateField: 'date',
valueField: 'revenue',
interval: 'day'
.movingAverage({ window: 2, centered: true })
// Correlation analysis
const correlation = salesCollection.correlate('revenue', 'cost')
// Detect anomalies in revenue
const anomalies = salesCollection.detectAnomalies({
method: 'zscore',
threshold: 2,
features: ['revenue']
// Cache expensive operations
const cached = collection
.cache(60000) // Cache for 60 seconds
// Lazy evaluation for large datasets
const lazy = collection
// Optimize queries with indexing
const indexed = collection
.index(['id', 'category'])
.where('category', 'electronics')
.where('id', 123)
// Profile performance
const metrics = await collection.profile()
// { time: 123, memory: 456 }
// Instrumentation
.instrument(stats => console.log('Operation stats:', stats))
// Export to different formats
const json = collection.toJSON({ pretty: true })
const csv = collection.toCSV()
const xml = collection.toXML()
// SQL generation
const sql = collection.toSQL('users')
// GraphQL query generation
const graphql = collection.toGraphQL('User')
// Elasticsearch bulk format
const elastic = collection.toElastic('users')
// Pandas DataFrame generation
const pandas = collection.toPandas()
interface Product {
id: number
name: string
price: number
// Collection is fully typed
const products = collect<Product>([
{ id: 1, name: 'Widget', price: 9.99 }
// TypeScript will catch errors
products.where('invalid', 'value') // Type error!
For more detailed documentation and examples, please visit our documentation site.
bun test
Please see our releases page for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable:
For casual chit-chat with others using this package:
Join the Stacks Discord Server
βSoftware that is free, but hopes for a postcard.β We love receiving postcards from around the world showing where ts-collect
is being used! We showcase them on our website too.
Our address: Stacks.js, 12665 Village Ln #2306, Playa Vista, CA 90094, United States π
We would like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for funding Stacks development. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please reach out to us.
Thanks to...
- Laravel Collections for inspiration
- Chris Breuer for the initial implementation
- All Contributors for their contributions to Stacks & ts-collect
The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.
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