LaPoste is a utility contract designed to simplify cross-chain communication and token transfers between different blockchain networks. It provides a single entry point for cross-chain interactions and leverages Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) for secure and reliable message and token transfers.
LaPoste: The main contract that serves as the entry point for sending and receiving cross-chain messages and tokens.
TokenFactory: Manages the creation, minting, and burning of wrapped tokens across different chains.
Adapter: Implements the specific logic for interacting with Chainlink's CCIP, handling the cross-chain communication protocol.
Token: A standard ERC20 token contract used for creating wrapped versions of tokens on different chains.
Sending Messages and Tokens:
- Users interact with the LaPoste contract to send messages and tokens across chains.
- If tokens are involved, the TokenFactory handles the locking or burning of tokens on the source chain.
- The Adapter is used to send the message through Chainlink's CCIP.
Receiving Messages and Tokens:
- The Adapter receives messages from CCIP and forwards them to LaPoste.
- LaPoste processes the message, minting or unlocking tokens if necessary using the TokenFactory.
- If the message contains a payload, it's forwarded to the intended receiver contract.
Token Wrapping:
- When tokens are transferred across chains, the TokenFactory creates wrapped versions of the tokens on the destination chain if they don't already exist.
- This allows for seamless token transfers between different blockchain networks.
- Send and receive cross-chain messages
- Transfer tokens between different blockchain networks
- Automatic creation of wrapped tokens on destination chains
- Support for multiple EVM-compatible chains, including Mainnet, Avalanche, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, BNB Chain, Base, zkSync, Gnosis, Linea, Scroll, Celo, and Blast
Contract | Address | Networks |
TokenFactory | 0x96006425Da428E45c282008b00004a00002B345e |
Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base |
LaPoste | 0xF0000058000021003E4754dCA700C766DE7601C2 |
Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base |
Adapter | 0xbF0000F5C600B1a84FE08F8d0013002ebC0064fe |
Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base |
- It relies on having all contracts deployed at the same address on all supported chains.
- The system depends on the reliability and security of Chainlink's CCIP for cross-chain communication.
This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPL-3.0). For more details, see the LICENSE file in the project root.