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Polkadot Overview

Validators explorer for Polkadot Network

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Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

App structure overview

Polkadot Overview app consists of three parts:

  • parser-light
  • api
  • ui

With parser-light app is continuously check for the new blocks and save reqired information to the database. ui part used to display the user interface and retrieve the actual data from the database using the api.

Running the application locally with Docker


You need to have Docker and docker-compose installed on your machine to start the application.

Step 1: Clone this repo to your local machine and change directory
git clone
cd polkadot-overview
Step 2: Set .env configuration variables from .env.example.docker for parser, api and ui parts
cd parser-light && cp .env.example.docker .env
cd ../api && cp .env.example.docker .env
cd ../ui && cp .env.example.docker .env && cd ..

You can edit variables in .env files if you need. For example you can replace WSNODE=ws://polkadot-node:9944/ by WSNODE=wss:// in parser-light/.env if you want to use remote public node instead of the local one

See the full list of .env variables


Variable Default value Description
WSNODE ws://polkadot-node:9944/ Polkadot node RPC endpoint
APP_API_PORT 4001 Polkadot Overview app API port
DB_NAME polkadot-overview Database name
DB_LOCATION localhost MongoDB host
DB_PORT 27017 MongoDB port


Variable Default value Description
APP_API_PORT 4001 Polkadot Overview app API port
DB_NAME polkadot-overview Database name
DB_LOCATION localhost MongoDB host
DB_PORT 27017 MongoDB port


Variable Default value Description
VUE_APP_API_PORT 4001 Polkadot Overview app API port
Step 3: Start the application with docker-compose
docker-compose up

If you want to use remote polkadot node instead of the local one you can start only app and mongo containers with docker-compose up mongo polkadot-overview-app command

You can see the application running by visiting url in your browser

How to update the app to the latest version

Step 1: Pull the latest code from this repository
git pull
Step 2: Remove old docker data
docker-compose down
Step 3: Get latest containers from Docker Hub
docker-compose pull
Step 4: Rebuild and start the new version
docker-compose up --build

Manual installation


If you want to use the app without Docker you need to setup next tools first:

Step 1: Clone this repo to your local machine and change directory
git clone
cd polkadot-overview
Step 2: Install dependencies
npm ci
cd parser-light && npm ci
cd ../api && npm ci
cd ../ui && npm ci && cd ..
Step 3: Set .env configuration variables from .env.example for parser, api and ui parts
cd parser-light && cp .env.example .env
cd ../api && cp .env.example .env
cd ../ui && cp .env.example .env && cd ..

You can edit variables in .env files if you need. For example you can replace WSNODE=ws://localhost:9944/ by WSNODE=wss:// in parser-light/.env if you want to use remote public node instead of the local one

See the full list of .env variables


Variable Default value Description
WSNODE ws://localhost:9944/ Polkadot node RPC endpoint
APP_API_PORT 4001 Polkadot Overview app API port
DB_NAME polkadot-overview Database name
DB_LOCATION localhost MongoDB host
DB_PORT 27017 MongoDB port


Variable Default value Description
APP_API_PORT 4001 Polkadot Overview app API port
DB_NAME polkadot-overview Database name
DB_LOCATION localhost MongoDB host
DB_PORT 27017 MongoDB port


Variable Default value Description
VUE_APP_API_PORT 4001 Polkadot Overview app API port
Step 4: Start the application in development mode
npm run development

You can see the application running by visiting url in your browser

How to update the app to the latest version

Step 1: Pull the latest code from this repository
git pull
Step 2: Update dependencies
npm ci
cd parser-light && npm ci
cd ../api && npm ci
cd ../ui && npm ci && cd ..
Step 3: Start the app
npm run development

Ready to deploy on production?

Add -f docker-compose.production.yml to every docker-compose command